I thought they looked quite dangerous going forward but apart from the 10/15 minutes into the second half (where they definitely should have scored), we were in control. Great win and not a single red should have any complaints tonight. Just like watching Brazil!
Walking away from the ground I heard someone say “Tedic and Watters aren’t good enough”. Restored my faith
This team is starting to remind me of the 96/7 team, quality wingbacks, midfielders that can mix it up and score a quality goal or two and the experienced striker pulling the strings, plus stacks of commitment from any player that goes on the pitch.all knowing their roles from a brilliant manager.
I’m too young to remember that team but everything you’ve said about the current team is correct. It really is great watching us at the minute.
Yerbut! What do we do now our Manager has been seen to 'walk on water' and is whisked away to sort out the UK food shortages, migrant crisis, the Lineker/BBC crisis, Inflation, the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine, not to forget, Third World debt. It will take him at least a couple of months to do all that at a time when we are approaching the critical sharp end of the season when he is needed most
Have you noticed though, with some of their fans who were doing the vlogs. They said it was a somewhat disappointing and disgraceful performance from Plymouth.
Yeah we always see it. I can't remember the last time when we thrashed a team, and the opposition thought their own team still actually played well lol.