PA bloke banging on about chanting again, don’t even know what it was aimed at this time! But surely we can’t be doing this every game? Otherwise that top corner will be empty soon.
We have to, unless you’d rather us play behind closed doors. We’re on our last warning and have to be seen to be doing something. If it’s not you chanting just ignore it, if it is you chanting stop doing it and he’ll stop announcing it.
Yes seems a strange one. Does anyone from the ponty know what they are banging on about as I've not heard any thing untoward from the east stand. Apart from the f the Pope just not long after the announcement. ?
It's the Pope/IRA song. Don't know why it gets sung at Oakwell, never had owt to do with Barnsley and most of those singing it are teenagers who know nowt about it.
It’s the pope and the IRA song, every time, I heard it from the east upper at the north side (family stand), and said to my lad there’ll be a tannoy announcement in a second. There was. Just stop ******* singing it, we have so much to celebrate, so much to cheer. We don’t need fines and potentially points deductions because of a few silly little boys who’ve barely got hairs on their knackers singing a song they don’t even ******* understand
The negative is the morons singing it. The PA has to announce. It’s part of the measures we agreed after our last fine. They need to STOP singing it. It’s a $hit song, and will get us in more bother if they carry on.
We sit in East Lower near to Ponty,a bloke maybe in 20/30's made a snowball and threw it at one of the Argyle players taking a corner - WHY on earth would anyone do that ? He got taken out by the stewards, don't these idiots realise how much we keep getting fined for stupid acts ? Crazy.
Must admit I hadnt noticed us singing the leeds song before the announcement and was singing along to a lot of the songs as my daughter came to her second game as was quite enjoying the atmosphere. Heard it plenty after though. It is a bit daft that the club have to do this for a song we’ve sung for donkeys years (not one I particularly like) but its down to the FA plan and we have to adhere to that as already mentioned.
It was the Luca Connell song which prompted the announcement. Its also anti-IRA. Its proper weird behaviour if I'm honest.