When this dies down as it looks like doing who apologises? Does Lineker apologise for making his comments? Do the BBC apologise for kicking Lineker off? Does Braverman apologise for criticising someone for having an opinion? Do Tory MP's apologise for asking for Linekers removal? Does Starmer apologise for completely missing the point and moral context? I suspect there will be no meaningful apologies on substance here just banal comments about how its good to get back to normal.. The main issues about double-standards, free speech, government pressure, impartiality and morality of the migration bill will be swept under a carpet. P.s. Should I apologise for talking bollo.x?
Just an opinion. Just like my opinion that I always thought Luke Steele was over-rated (not apoligisin' for that though...)
I don't think Gary will have to aplogise. And I doubt anyone else will. Yes the hoo hah will die down but I think it's shown the importance of sticking by your opinions and backing your fellow workers.
Gary Lineker has absolutely nothing to apologise for. He has not used racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or any other offensive language. He's not the bad guy.
I agree with you. He's expressed an opinion (which many, including myself, think is basically correct) so for me he has nothing to apologise for and any statements he puts out shouldn't come across as such. Some people would disagree however and suggest he does apologise and go further and not make any tweets ever again, ever!!!
Those BBC negotiations in full: “Delete the tweets” “No” “Okay, well, apologise for them” “No” “We’ll get somebody else in to do your job if you don’t” *Everyone downs tools* “Will you at least promise not to tweet political stuff in the future?” “No” “Okay, we have a deal”