So it can supply the vast amount of electricity needed to heat Rishi Sunaks swimming pool. At a time of energy crisis, it’s nice to know that we’re all in it together! The tories just don’t get it do they.
Aye, I read that in the Guardian the other day. To be fair, he did actually pay for the upgrade but it does put him in stark contrast to the people barely managing to survive the cost of living crisis.
Nothing to do with defending Sunak or the Cons but are you saying no-one should have luxury items like pools, luxury cars etc if they can afford them? The energy crisis is about unaffordable cost per Kwh not actual shortage of supply. If that changes, then criticism of people using it for non-essentials would be justified. Until then, your post comes across as simply 'Politics of envy'. There will always be disparity between rich and poor, the trick being to ensure that being poor does not not mean hardship or going without essentials and not having any quality of life.
Out of interest have you accidentally set alerts up for anti Tory posts? Just asking because despite you very clearly not being a Tory voter (except when you are) you seem to reply to threads about them every time to 'not' defend them
And you always are one of the first to respond to any posts I make so assume you must have alerts set up for me. I am expecting an invoice from you for rental of space in your head at some point! On this specific thread, as I pointed out it is nothing to do with Sunak or the Cons but a post berating someone with lots of money choosing to spend it on something he wants without adversely impacting anyone else. EDIT: I also don't always feel the need to respond to your anti-Tory posts in the same way.
Nothing wrong with people spending their money but it does feel a bit like he’s rubbing people’s noses in it. Very insensitive for a politician who is hugely responsible for the cost of living crisis to do something like that at a time like this.
It’s just bad optics, isn’t it? Who is advising him as surely they should have pointed out what a bad look it is. ‘Politics of envy’ or not, people do get envious so it’s a stupid thing to do right now at a time when populism is all the rage.
I cant find it now but someone on Twitter said his daughter on reading the story came out with "Let them heat lake" - which I thought brilliantly summed it up
Meanwhile, his local public swimming pool has had to reduce its hours as it can't afford the energy to heat it.
I think part of the issue is he's married to a billionaire's daughter who doesn't pay any tax thanks to being a "non-dom", meanwhile I'm paying 50% of my income into the government coffers and have to put the heating on for only a couple of hours so I don't bankrupt myself - and I am by far better off then a lot of people - this is the issue, unfairness. Also, there IS a shortage of lecky because they were practicing rolling blackouts before the winter in anticipation of not being able to keep the lights on.
There are 3 houses with swimming pools in Dodworth, plus the pool at Bannatyne's. Not a lot of people know that...
It’s not like saying people shouldn’t have luxury items at all though, really, is it? This is the Prime Minister, who just so happens to have also married into one of the richest families around, who also appear to be non-dom tax dodgers. So I think on balance, in the middle of a cost of living crisis and crippling energy costs, as Prime Minister, upgrading the National Grid in order to heat your private swimming pool, is absolutely taking the pi$$
You're right I'm envious. I'm envious that during COVID while I went for almost a month without seeing another person and spent my birthday alone l, the ***** that is rishi sunak was setting those laws and still illegally attending parties. In kind of envious of that yea. I'm envious that while im paying all the tax that I have no choice over paying and I'm struggling to pay my bills and heat my home the c11nt that is rishi sunak is dodging taxes left right and centre and using the money he saves to heat his f11cking swimming pool. He's robbing money off the UK public to fund his own lavish lifestyle. I'm definitely not jealous however of an immigrant who is against immigration