What a complete tosspot she sounds like. Undermines genuine rape claims and has caused massive stress and pain to loads of innocent people. Absolute ars.ehole.
And the police are ******* incompetent too. One poor ******* had a cast iron alibi of being in the back of a chuffing police van on the night of the made up allegation yet the police still locked him up for months because they didn't care about the truth. A life ruined because of a false allegation
They had the sentencing live on BBC News channel at lunchtime, it was fascinating. The strangest thing off all is that she's still not given any reason for it, it's bizarre and the damage done to blokes she's falsely accused is huge. Three attempted suicides, families split, livelihoods ruined. She's got off very lightly for the damage caused if you ask me.
Vile woman. 8 years is ridiculous, she'll be out at 30...!!! She's literally ruined the lives of those accused, death threats, loss of jobs, jail time, protests against them, families put in danger, suicide attempts and she gets 8 fking years. Hope these lads get the time & support they need to try and move forward. I genuinely hope real victims don't see this sort of stuff and puts them off coming forward and going to the police/getting support, because undoubtedly there will large swaths of people on Twitter accusing them of lying and using cases like these as examples. There's so much hate in the world, and with access to social media at the tip of your finger, you see it every minute of every day. So sad.
Apparently the lad was on remand for 73 days!! HTF in this day and age can someone be locked up like this? Did he not have a defence lawyer or is the system so ****** that it just takes so long to process.
It looked horrendous her face especially her eye,she can't possibly be 'right in the head' inflicting that with an hammer on YOURSELF!!!
Oh well. I don't care at all to be honest. she has destroyed lives and deserves no sympathy whatsoever. The sentence is unduly lenient imo and I hope they increase it
Tbf (and I'm not defending her for one minute with all the trouble she's caused) . I think we are all to blame as well for jumping to conclusions. She conned 100s of thousands of folk. Hate crime tripled. The far right took hold in barrow. I hope the accused can somehow get their lives back. But it'll take a long long time.
The big take-aways for me are firstly the poor lad who was locked up on remand, I absolutely guarantee her accusations didn't pass the "smell test" to any half-decent copper, yet he was left to rot in jail? I'd be suing someone. Secondly, what a cesspool the internet is - I hope all those vigilante idiots who harassed and caused damage get fully prosecuted.
If you're accused of a violent act of course you are on remand. And it's down to the CPS to review the evidence and decide to prosecute, not the police.
You don’t automatically go on remand though it has to go to application of bail first? Surely a defence showing the cast iron alibi would have shown he was not a risk as he could not have committed it? Even then if he was on remand for a few weeks maybe. Bear in mind part of this cast iron alibi was the fact he and another girl had been picked up by Police at the time of the accusation. Like I asked is the system so ****** that a clear and shut case like his still leads to an innocent person locked up for such a length of time?