Mmm, I guess I should check the dates against the tickets I have booked for the cricket. I wouldn’t want to miss watching Peterborough, Derby, Ipswich and Sheffield Wednesday in the play-offs
Isn't the 29th yet another May Bank holiday. I think we only work the 15th in the entire month (May Day, Charlie Day and promotion hangover day)
Yes. Champ final Sat, League 2 1pm Sunday and League 1 3pm Monday. Presume they have swapped it round so Champ get pitch in best condition and less fans for League 2 have to get there for 1pm Sunday - that is last day of Prem season Co can't clash with those 430pm kick offs
I won't be going anywhere near that play off final, even if we are playing. I've seen us at Wembley twice, and neither of those were in 2016.
We’re in Florida the two weeks surrounding the playoff weekend. Schoolboy error. Rented a villa Orlando area (not sure if it is going to be in Kissimee, Clermont, Davenport or Haines yet), will take in the big parks, water parks, space centre etc. Holiday of a lifetime for the kids. And all I can think about is potentially missing a playoff final. Worse still, me the Mrs and the kids are going with my mum and step dad. He’s a Middlesbrough fan…