When the French riot, they riot. Not very happy with the idea of the pension age rising to 64.
My trade union can't even get people to vote regarding strike action, nevermind actually take any action. People spend all day bitching and moaning about the lack of pay rise and working conditions but then when the union issues an email asking them to vote they don't bother.
The current SPA is 66, rising to 67 between 2026 and 2028, and currently scheduled to increase to age 68 between 2044 and 2046.
Seriously? I’m all for protests but damaging infrastructure is good for nobody. Also the thing that people seem to forget when discussing earlier retirement is that people have to be able to afford it
It's going to be shelved the 68 retirement age by sounds of it but i still don't believe owt they say.
Yeah they do thinking about,just there to cause mayhem- cos they can sadly,most of them are no way near retirement age.
Peaceful protests solve nothing, other than the Government making fun of them or ignoring them. As long as no one gets hurt I think a bit of carnage goes a fair way
Certainly feels like it is after so many years of Tory rule - "Here's your scraps, be careful not to spread 'em too thin."
It certainly does. French people feel differently. I admire that stance and wish we'd got some of the same. It's difficult because, as you see from this thread, there are always people trying to get us into that race to the bottom: "Don't upset the applecart, protest but don't do anything that will actually achieve anything, what we've got is alright isn't it, just accept it."