Maybe it does. But smashing up peoples properties/livelihoods certainly doesn't. it has the opposite effect and turns supporters off.
Our shockingly bad state pension and qualification age is no reason to accept a worsening situation for the French people. While on the subject of pensions. German state pension is 70% of final year salary, ours is a maximum of £10,000, about 38% of the AVERAGE wage of £26,000. Abysmal doesn't cover it.
While that's true and I agree its crap , to be a bit fair about our system I think you have to factor in that France doesn't have a funded NHS so health care isn't free in France
It seems reasonable as a proper protest to encourage balaclava clad thugs smashing up people's property and thus ruining their livelihoods, injuring and frightening the peaceful public in the process. It seems equally reasonable to hope that the French police kick and whack 7 bells out of said thugs, and hopefully have them prosecuted to boot, making their employment and general life chances seriously compromised as they race to the bottom.
How do the other benefits our pensioners get compare with other countries though? I've no idea by the way.
I was going on this I was going on this Although the French health care system is predominantly publicly financed, treatment is not free at the point of use; instead, patients will usually pay an up-front cost which is partially reimbursed by the government.
Buildings before people? Very wealthy people hoarding money can afford it, non? Edit: that said police provocation is a common thing, happens far more than people know about. And your average firestarter who just likes, well, fires.
Anarchy is my thing. I'm pretty ambviolent about certain types of property destruction. I wouldn't do it myself, but like all types protest it has its moments. Edited for clarity.
What benefits? Pension Credits - you have to be on the breadline for that. Free bus pass? In most of Europe, all public transport is free for pensioners. The "opportunity to buy a railcard (£30 a year) to get 33% off train tickets. We have the lowest pensions in Europe barring Greece, we work longer before qualifying and have amongst the poorest benefits.