I'm not sure if this is my memory playing tricks on me or if things have actually changed but has all the originality disappeared from chants and songs? Attending games in the 80s and 90s I seem to remember away fans bringing new songs each home match. Now everyone seems to just do variants of "**** on the ******** below", "We all hate [rival] scum" etc Maybe it's a result of players staying at clubs less time and building a bond with the fans? Aside from "Like watching Brazil" I'm not sure we have many songs that identify as 'ours' - I'm pretty sure other clubs have done the Norwood and Cole songs for their players.
I think there's far too many chants now which try to goad the opposition rather than support the team, and I think that's why there's less originality.
This too. I remember songs backing the team being in the majority but they're rare now - everything seems to be aimed at the opponent or local rival. At least it's positive and backs the team/manager.
I'd say over the last 15 years the boom in social media has diluted most clubs traditional songbook. Everyone now shares and copies the latest trendy song, often started by the likes of Celtic, Liverpool, Rangers or Manchester Utd. This gets adapted and suddenly 25 clubs are all singing 'allez allez' or some ultra style chant. The days where each club would have a reasonably unique set of chants is slipping away. Man Utd still churn out original songs and a fair few clubs have stuck to their own chants but younger fans tend to drive innovation and that innovation largely comes from copying the 'scenes' from social media. As for us, the older songs got an airing at Charlton but are usually drowned out by one of the trendy new ones. There's room for all I guess. I'd hate us to have an actual ultra fan group though, dictating the whole crowd. Leave that to the Europeans and Palace.
we all live at the back of ponti end,back of ponti end (yellow submarine) oh mi lads your sure to see us commin, there we were in red and white there we were a runnning all the lads and lasses all with smiling faces walking down pontifract road to see the oakwell aces (bladon races) Takes me back a few years
I reckon if we can keep this run going,we should all sing the Queen song ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST .
Sadly the wit of singing and comment has been replaced with foul mouthed chanting. In the main it’s neither witty or funny and it’s intention is to goad the opposition fans. I’m old enough to remember when there was no segregation of fans. Back then the banter on the terraces was better entertainment than that on the pitch. One of the most spontaneous singing outburst I heard was in the early 1980s. I was playing in a game in Hong Kong. The linesman was running the line when the sole of his boot came away and he fell over. The beer fuelled ex-pats in the stand spontaneously chimed up with Kennny Rogers “you picked a fine time to leave me loose heel.”