Not sure what Starmer is trying to achieve apart from isolating a large wing of Labour's historic electorate. So Corbyn intends to stand as an independent candidate and Starmer is trying to get him blocked from doing so. Isn't this a case of field an official labour candidate and just let the people decide, surely the democratic way. I wasn't ever Corbyns biggest fan as leader on the basis that I didn't think his spending plans were realistic, but the guy surely can't be stopped by his former party from standing?
Is he? I thought Starmer was trying, and very likely to succeed, in stopping him from standing for Labour as an MP. I don't think he has any say in him then standing as an Independent against Labour?
Unwise imo. Corbyn hasn't done anything to stop him standing, None of Starmers concern. Personally I wouldn't put anyone up against him, Jeremy will vote the way he always does in parliament which will be more in line with Labour ( I hope!)than the Tories.
They can’t. And whoever Labour put up against him will get absolutely battered. If he goes and takes the likes of Abbott and McDonnell with him Labour stand to lose several safe seats which could make all the difference next time round. Listen to the rhetoric. Not even Tory-lite anymore, just full blown Tory. @rseh0les.
Not just Corbyn he’s stopped from standing , Councillors are being chosen by the NEC , making local Labour parties obsolete, it’s a total right wing putsch
Are they? Headline here pretty clear he's being blocked from standing for Labour:
Utter bilge. Starmer is more of a left/centrist but definitely not a full blown Tory. Granted he's nowhere near Corbyn in terms of his political stance.
They have just corrected what they said. NEC has voted to bar him standing as a a Labour candidate. But if he stands as an independent he is still a member of the party so would be in breach of their conditions. Will be interesting if he did to see the level of support he has in his local constituency.
In my experience, a lot of the younger generation are totally apathetic about Labour. Desperate to get rid of the Tories but not feeling much optmism that Britain under Labour would do much to improve our lives other than govern competently and be less hateful. At least we saw hope and an agenda of genuine change with the vision of the Corbyn years. Now, all we see is flag waving, appeasing middle England's usual Tory voters and precious few tangible policies that will improve fairness and take on greed. I think Starmer's current party underestimate the importance of giving hope to the youth. We just feel taken for granted and ignored. Again. It's not a good look for the long term prospects of Labour.
I'm struggling to see what hope the youth would gain from a leader who would never be elected. Better to have a chance of your party getting in and having some of what you want, surely?
He’s chasing the Tory floaters. Wise move on his part, but terribly unfair on a fella who’s served his constituency well for 40 years..
I'm not saying we go back to Corbyn, who let's not forget pulled in the biggest Labour vote since 1945 and wasn't all that far from becoming PM in 2017. I'm saying there's little optimism provided by Starmer's approach.
But the fella was told not to denigrate the EHRC report and went straight out and did that, undermining Starmer/Labour's attempts to regain the trust of the Jewish community. And that's before you get to his views on NATO and his favourable view of Putin.
As he's been the MP there for ages I would imagine the level of support would be enough to return him as MP. Unlike a lot of MPs he's not motivated by monetary gain, he does actually want to improve his constituents lives.
Was my local MP for nearly 20 years.. Nobody can knock him for his work in the community. He turned that borough around..
I was talking about Corbyn, not whomever this is. Defending Palestine’s right to independence, doesn’t make anyone anti semitic. & it was the Tories taking Russian money, not Jeremy Corbyn.