Not sure where that came from? Labour got more votes and a higher vote share in 1950, 1951, 1966, and 1997 than 2017.
He has spent the last year arguing against NATO involvement and agitating for Ukraine to unconditionally surrender and give way to Russian demands. To give him the benefit of the doubt, he has consistently been anti-war but it suggests as PM he would not have supported Ukraine against Russian aggression. I voted for him twice, and supported most of the manifesto policies, but he was a poor leader and he was weak on defence.
Knight of the realm Demonising migrants Flag shagging Trickle down economics Refusing to back strikers Deceitful and dishonest Literally quoting Thatcher and saying she was right Can't see how he isn't a Tory, sorry.
Another boxing thread? Starmer has the advantages of (relative) youth and a trusty right jab but Corbyn is a crafty old sod with a vicious left-hook. Too close to call for me.
Yeah it's about that time where Labour decide to blow a massive lead in the polls due to in-fighting and braindead remarks from their leader. Not a fan of Starmer in the slightest and any positivity i have towards him grows less and less every passing day.
NATO staying out so far, has been the sensible approach, when dealing with a lunatic. I’ve not really heard any arguments the other way..
The Tories would love this thread. "What's the point of voting for Labour? Starmer's Tory Lite. Might as well stay at home." They'll f****ing love it. Get a grip and vote for the one party who can at least get rid of these despicable Tories. If you don't want to then shut up and stay away from discussing politics and bleating about the horrors of Braverman etc because doing anything other than voting for any candidate other than the one most likely to beat a Tory is helping Rishi and his mates back in.
So what you’re saying is anyone who isn’t voting Labour isn’t welcome to discuss politics on the BBS? Where does the discussion come from then?
Starmer is a shape-shifting opportunist, a liar and a coward for not actually being honest about brexit He is simply trying to get into power and is so focused on his 'I'm not Jeremy Corbyn' mantra to get into power that he is alienating Labour people. He may well be successful in getting into power and perhaps he'll shape-shift again and bring in some socialist policies. I doubt it though even though he may make some constitutional reforms. We'll see. I also think the majority of the electorate don't follow internal Labour politics like some on here and so will just look at the Corbyn 'expulsion' as a good thing because they've lapped up the 'Corbyn is a raving loony' spin from the media. So, that's another reason why Starmer's tactics might win through and a Labour Government might happen. I think he's dishonest and he's alienating a source of strength but his tactics might work in getting a Labour Government. Based on this alienation of the left though I dont think there'll be much change in the running of the country, just better managed capitalism with a softer look which will be better than the Tories (not really difficult though) As I said however we'll see.
What I'm saying is I'm fed up of people rightly vilifying the despicable stuff the Tories get up to at every opportunity and then running down the only credible option for getting rid of them. If you're not keen on Starmer, tough hold your nose or quit complaining about the Tories.
Ask the French left, you vote for the worst best option you get a Macron . Starmers boot boys are every bit as vile as Braverman, Wes Streeting being head bully
I'd vote for a 6-day old lettuce if it had a chance of beating a Tory (except if it was representing UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform UK or whatever they plan to call themselves at next year's general election).
This post is fully mental. This may shock you Churton….. There is more than 2 political parties. On the things that matter / appeal to me you would struggle to get a cig paper between the two. How we treat refugees. Drugs. The bashing of trade unions and the demolition job on workers rights. The sucking up to big business who do nothing but take tax cuts and slash our rights further. The lies, the u-turns, the duplicity. The failure to nationalise failing service providers, instead just bankrolling them and their fat cat bosses with our money. I could go on. They’re w@nkers, red and blue. And I’ll moan about them BOTH all I want. Especially someone who got my vote as Party Leader to then row back on all of his 10 pledges within about 6 months of getting the gig. He’s a fraud, and unworthy of any tactical vote of mine.
As a Labour Party Member, I would have preferred a more left wing method in winning an election, but I had to choose a more centrist way to get this government away from us. Whether people on the left like it or not, a Corbyn character/MP would never win an election in the current climate. The labour masses were polarised by brexit, and by culture wars created by the current government. Lots of the working class are unfortunately easily swayed by right wing rhetoric, and immigration. Labour needed to bring them together, try to stay clear of getting pulled into Brexit again and to not look like they are going to destroy the economy. Although the last one is unbelievable they had to show that they would be savy with the economy. They had to prove to the idiots who believed that they crashed it in 2008, that they wouldnt be in charge of that happening again. It might be safe politics, it might not be what die hard, left wing Labour Voters like me would want but this is a tactic that is working. I would hope that the strategy is to play safe, win the election then look to move the dial over years once this bunch of charlatans are out of the way. Starmer may be a lot of things, he might be lying because he's never believed any of his pledges or he realised that his pledges would actually impact his ability to win, but would return to them at a later date, only time will tell. Corbyn as much as I love him, would have an impact on Labour winning the next election if he was allowed to stand for the Party. He's an easy target for the right wing and there's little to no reward for allowing him back for the current party. We need to get the government not only gone, but destroyed at the next election so they can't come back for generations. I would never tell anyone to vote Labour, I would however urge anyone to vote any party other than Tory, UKIP (Tory Xtreme), Reform (Tory Xtreme x2). Even thought the latter 2 would mainly split the Tory vote and cause damage to them rather than Labour.
Stamer and Labour currently are filling the centre right one nation Tory spot vacated by the tories as they lurch to the right. They don’t support working people. Promise more austerity and want to ban peaceful protests. More generally Starmer lied to get elected and broke every pledge he made. No one left of centre should consider voting for him. I will definitely actively campaign against Labour. I don’t want a centre right Tory party in government replacing far right one.