The guy has never murdered or raped anyone yes he’s held people hostage in prison but surely after 50 years he should be allowed out lets face it the justice panel let Glitter out look what happens with him
Murderers get released as far as I'm aware he hasn't killed anyone. Although after so long in jail he is institutionalised and would probably fine life hard on the outside.
To have parole you need to admit the crimes you were imprisoned for and be deemed extremely unlikely to commit them again. I can see why parole has been denied on both those counts.
Hey Tatty Jack, is that before or after he regularly played rubbish music on the harmonica ? (in Once upon a time in the West Yorkshire).
I'd have thought there would be some sort of halfway house for him. It seems unfair even if he is nuts.
You do know his history don't you? Hes literally been in solitary confinement for the last 30 years. The last time he was released; he got out threatened to kill someone with a fake gun and basically held them hostage. Conviction(s) Armed robbery; wounding (2); wounding with intent; criminal damage; grievous bodily harm; false imprisonment (3); blackmail; threatening to kill[5]
If the murderer kept reoffending and showing no signs of rehabilitation then I’m sure the sentence would start getting longer and longer.
He wouldn't last 2 mins outside. Some knob would try to fight him and he'd be back inside within the week. He's already admitted he likes a good fight.