I reckon I'm right with scoreboard https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBVv-QuXoAQkob7?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
Indeed you are! Well more specifically it was a half time score(s) board. Apparently it was big enough to show the half time results from both divisions. As a prize, you have to come up with the next BFC trivia question @ade
New trivia question. What the effing hell happened to Ian McMillan's hair? https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/ifollow/latest-videos/
I love the photo Gally. It reminds me of when my dad took me there in the sixties. I stood at the bottom by the wall, whilst he stood further back with his mates. I seemed to remember that the bottom of the wall was much lower than the pitch, and the pitch was raised. This photo shows that. My memories of having to recognize players from the knees down by their socks, is in fact correct.
Yes I enjoyed, it but that hair, I had to turn the contrast down on my laptop, it was burning my retina...
I'd have said the wall at the back of the old brewery stand, but thinking about it a little deeper, even the brickies who built it, set the trend, which became tradition (win lose or draw ) by urinating up against it from day one ... if you know you know
The old scoreboards were brill. In the second half of the 80s I used to be in the St John Ambulance in Sheffield, so when we weren’t at home, being that going to away matches would have left me with no money to buy records, I’d go and work at whoever was at home in Sheffield. It was almost always Wednesday. I used to be in the corner between the Kop and the main stand. This was directly opposite where they hung all the numbers on the scoreboard, which was on the wall in front of the opposite stand. The club always used to leave a few programmes in the first aid room, so I’d snaffle one, so that I could see which match each letter on the scoreboard represented. They used to have all the first division ones, for that’s where Wednesday were back then, plus the local games, if I remember correctly. They didn’t just put the scores up at half-time, they used to update them throughout the match. So at times the ground might be quiet apart from me, sat on a stretcher at the side of the pitch going “yes!” when the little old bloke put 0-1 next to letter L. The worst one was when we played Chelsea away one year. I wasn’t watching the match at all (nor the crowd, in case anyone was shouting us), as the numbers were going crazy on our match. I think it finished 5-3. The little old bloke had barely sat down when he was having to root through his little bag for the next number. Far more exciting than what was going on on the pitch.