That’s nothing to do with been England captain for me. If you play for any of the big 6 you end up been disliked by anyone who isn’t a fan of that club. You’ve only got to look at the likes of Maguire & Grealish. Everyone likes them when they’re at Leicester & Villa but not when they get their big moves. Bellingham will be the same. Everyone loves him because he plays for Dortmund but wait til he joins an English club & watch fans opinions of him change.
I’m more concerned at how he backs into defenders who are in the air. He’s a dirty git with it & will end up properly injuring someone. Of course he’s a cheat but most of them are. You’ve only to look at the theatrics at some of our players over the years. Hourihane’s loved here but he was a cheat, he threw himself to the floor to try & get people sent off on several occasions. Unfortunately it’s part of the game.
Kane does not fit in with Beckham, Terry, Ferdinand or Rooney. He gets massive protection from the press, constantly. People flag up all these foreign players, grealish, etc, but he never gets pulled up about his antics. He's one of the worst divers in the premier league at the minute. He's always conning the referee - players like Salah always get criticised more despite Kane being just as bad if not worse
Absolutely nothing to do with who he plays for in my eyes. And anyone doing it in a Barnsley shirt doesn't get my applause either. I've no agenda against Harry Kane but he indulged in cheating. You can try and spin it any way you want but he did just like countless others do. To give him a free pass and even coded congratulations on it....well, we end up with the game we deserve where cheating on and off the pitch is treated as ok. And by the way we, rightly, as a club and set of fans fo enough bairning about clubs cheating FFP. Maybe we should just shut up about that and applaud them for fiddling the system.
Not spinning anything. Just saying that when players play for a big club they end up been disliked more than if they play for a relative minnow. Who’s congratulating Kane? Unfortunately it’s part of the game & going nowhere. Jack Grealish is the best example you’ll get. Biggest cheat in the England squad, constantly buys fouls & initiates contact. Been at it for years. Almost everyone loved him when he was at Villa. No one cared that he cheats every game. All through the Euro’s it was ‘get Grealish on’.