But that today was cheating. It can’t be anything else, surely? Nobody is that incompetent are they? He definitely saw it. Poor performance yes but a penalty and red card at 0-0, which was as obvious, blatant, as you would ever see, and the game is completely different. I sincerely hope a proper complaint is made as that is just not good enough. Three points today and we are still in touch, and I sincerely believe we’d have got them had the ref done his job correctly.
The referee had the clearest possible view of it. Extremely annoying, and it’s difficult to escape the fact that these guys are just not good enough to referee the professional game; because I refuse to believe that they deliberately get it wrong (or, in other words, are corrupt).
Yes poor officiating agree. If we were serious top 2 We should av blown em away. Cole was terrible today Not much assistance for him but ineffective. In fact the hole team ineffective. Till last 5.
Cheat is a strong word, but it’s difficult to know where to even start trying to explain how he got that wrong. The biggest thing for me though, is the sheer lack of accountability. There will just be a collective ‘shrug’ from the refs mafia, and at best another token apology from Howard Webb. Then everyone will be reminded to respect the officials.
That was our mate from Accrington by the way who gave that one… how she still gets games at this level when there’s everything riding on them at the end of the season is quite frankly, scary. Saying that we’d have been better off having her today, at least she gives ridiculous penalties yet we’re still to have 1 given all year!
We’ll never get one again if that’s not a pen. Most blatant I’ve seen in a long time. I know if we’re wanting to go up we need to be better than that but it totally changes the game. If all these decisions “even up” over a season then I can’t wait for our playoff games because we aren’t half due some decisions.
1-0 up against ten men and it's a different game. I hope we complain about it, but it did no good last time, as we still get really bad decisions against us.
Because football in the UK is corrupt. The fa is corrupt, the EFL is corrupt and the pgmol is corrupt and they have absolutely no shame about it.
If this had happened in the Prem the Press would be all over it but it's only League 1 so it won't even get a mention outside South Yorkshire.
Why reply to it being pointless then ehh, and in fact why create it when you admitted there was no need for it ?.
Get felt you boring lovely person, you’ve posted the exact same thing on another thread too. Who appointed you the thread police?
Its not though is it. I can't get my head round this season decisions but do people really think there is a conspiracy against us? To what end? Are they trying to get Plymouth up? They seem to be getting rub of the green at the moment but why would FA want them up and not us. Surely the FA wouldn't have authorised the Oxford pen today if there was a conspiracy to get Wednesday up? Terrible refs in L1 - absolutely. Corruption? behave......
I don't think there's a conspiracy against us but I do think football is corrupt and that for money key people would do whatever they were told to and help certain people. Didn't mark Halsey once admit that he was instructed to pretend he hadn't seen incidents?
What certain people though? Dodgy betting syndicates? Chansiri? At a global level clearly corruption as shown by World Cup awarding process but if you think that someone paid today's ref not to give that pen that's a massive leap...