Based on decades of experience, these are some of the most futile instructions I've read over the years. Please feel free to add more: - Peel here Click "Start" and follow the instructions on the screen Keyboard not found, press F1 to continue Squeeze cap and twist to open 100% complete, please wait... Tear here to open Right turners give way to oncomi....BOOM !
Me ringing curry’s Hi I can’t seem to open the washing machine door Salesman…it needs to have power to it, wait 10 seconds for light to go does explain all in the instructions though me…the instructions are inside the drum salesman…oh
Slightly different, but I had a strange conversation with someone at our head office last week when trying to fix a computer at work. You activate it with a fob, but none of the fobs were working. "I can see from our end it's on" "yes it's on, but the fobs aren't activating it" "I can see from our end that they should be able to" "that's fine, but I can assure you they're not" "are you sure? When did you last try it?" "I'm literally doing it now" "but it says its fine at our end" "I understand that, but I can assure you, it's not working!!!"
Mate of mine returning to Manchester airport where his car is parked. Mate to attendant "How do I get my keys?". "Scan the barcode on the terminal and you'll see the box number where your keys are.". "What barcode?" "It's on the parking booking confirmation.". "That's in the car.".
That's especially true of the cast iron sizzling dishes where there's smoke rising from them and fat spitting in all directions.
This email I just received from Specsavers: ‘Hi JamDrop, Thanks for getting your eyes checked with us. Now you’ve got your prescription, why not put our range of glasses to the test? Call our store…’ etc. etc. Why not? Probably because you’ve literally just told me I don’t need them.
"Mrs Robinson! It's not too late to return to Virgin Media. Just visit to get started!" The opening gambit of a letter sent to my aunt's bungalow, a week after we arranged disconnection of services and settlement of final bill, owing to the fact she had passed away. So, Virgin Media, if death is no barrier to subscription, when exactly is it "too late" to return?
Feckin nob at the Burton game. (Mid to late twenties) Stood up on his own. Front row. Berating anyone behind him trying to ask him to sit down . His responses were Bizzare. Him "I want to stand up" Other "well go to the back with the others" Him " No I want to stand up here and I've paid more to stand" Other " why didnt you buy a standing ticket and go behind the goals' Him "I didn't want to" OtherS" sit darn yer feckin moron" Him " yer all boring" Others " Fekk off you stupid feckin idiot" He took the hint and moved to the back waving his arms like a spoilt brat where even some of those standing remonstrated him. "
In 1981 I did the Pennine Way, south to north, for my honeymoon. Just after crossing the M62 bridge at Windy Hill, the path floundered through a semi-liquid peat bog with a consistency like black porridge, with pools of oxtail soup on top. In the middle of the morass was a battered wooden sign with the words "It is forbidden to throw stones at this notice". Quite apart from the obviously futility of the message, there weren't any stones anywhere. It's bugged me ever since.