Or is my maths crap. I make 7th place Derby reaching our current total of 81 points if they win all their remaining games
Considering the difficult start, financial worries, new players etc. It’s been a cracking season, whatever happens. A memorable team & manager at this level..
I’ll better start saving for Wembley then. And remember I have a 100% win record there following the reds.
Regardless of how the season ends, I'm just desperate to see Duff with us next year. Building on the squad, with a full pre-season and two transfer windows. He's now the fastest manager to get to 30 wins, in the Club's history (Barnsley FC Stats). Absolutely stunning.
The guy is a master of his craft. From Day 1 it was obvious he was right for our club. Credit to Khaled for the appointment. They ger we can keep him the better. Promotion or not he has taken us so far forward in su h a short space of time. The real lesson in this for many is that people should never be written off before they've been given a chance to prove what they can do. Patience is key. For managers and players.
Never really thought about it until now, but I think my record is the opposite. Didn't make it the last two times round due to work, but I was there against Ipswich in 2000 and for the FA cup semi!
A Playoff Final versus Wednesday at Wembley is the stuff of dreams for us, and the stuff of nightmares for the Sad Owls!
I think if there's 2 people going that have only seen us win there, it negates your never having seen us win so you should be ok to go!
For Derby to catch us on points, we'd have to lose and 5 they'd have to win 4. That's a minimum 9 goal swing to them, throw in a few 2-goal wins/defeats and that 16 goal advantage is soon gone.
I think there's more chance of me winning the lottery without buying a ticket than Dorby winning their last 4 games...