Anyone else havoing problems with iFollow today? Watching via a VPN but paying for the "service". After about 10 mins I lose signal and have to sign out and back in. Using PC and Edge Browser. Not seen this before on other games. Is it just me? Cheers
Is the issue down to you using a VPN? The only time I've ever had issues with iFollow is the one time I tried watching via a VPN. I'm not very teccy like, so I could be well wide of the mark.
Worked fine for us. I know it gets loads of stick but most weeks is perfectly fine. Definitely wouldn't use free VPN unless necessary. Its worth buying- a lot offer 3+ months free too when purchasing
VPN'd myself to Holland today and, as usual, the coverage was perfect. As said above it depends on who you go with. Private VPN for me has always been excellent, whether used here in the UK or when I was living in Spain. It's really not expensive to enjoy seeing every away game and any home game that I can't get to. I love it (well, not last season, obviously).
Hi - sorry for the delay in responding. No I don't think so. I've been watching a few games in this manner this season and not had the issue. Using Surfshark seems to be pretty stable. I'll try the Lincoln match on Tuesday without the VPN and see what happens.
Yeah - Surfshark via Paris today for me. Not too annoying once I'd sussed that literally logging out of the session and back in worked.