Basically I've had enough, nothing is going my way, no aspect of my life. But majorly at work and my love life has taken a massive dip in 2-3 months and it's broken me as both are linked and i can't escape it. Non of you know me barring maybe one and i don't post at all really, so i feel okay posting this: How do you deal with it. I have nothing, yes a house and car and stuff but i just cant see the light, i feel stuck
I really hope things improve and you get the support you need whether it be from friends or your GP. Stick with it, dig in and things will eventually improve. I know you might feel you're in a long, drk tunnel but there is light at the end. It's good that you're reachng out for help. Keep doing that. Best wishes mate.
You’ve taken a big step forward by mentioning it! Good on you for that. Be honest with yourself and others. Explore the help that’s out there (there’s loads, some will help, some won’t, we’re all different after all). Talk about it. People do care about you, even if you can’t see it right now. I’ve had a couple of breakdowns in my time. I think they were caused by bottling things up. I didn’t know how to open up about it and didn’t think people would listen anyway. But there is people that care and they WILL stand with you. And if you want a vent or a fresh pair of ears hit me up! I might not have all the answers but I’ll listen, and that’s the best thing any of us can do for anyone. Good luck mate.
I'm sorry that life is rough for you right now.I think the way we deal with it varies. For me personally, I allow myself time to wallow, feel **** about the situation etc. And then I think more practically while doing mundane jobs, like in your example whether I could change jobs.You've done the right thing posting here, please do go to your GP tomorrow and be open with them. I hope things improve quickly for you.
Writing and reading this all is the fiirst time I have cried since I can't even remember when. Its been bottled up I guess. Its killing me inside. Thanks for the advice.
When you say nothing, maybe you do have something you could build on? Friends? Family? Hobbies? I was in a similar situation 30 years ago - where my whole work/ life was tied to one person and one place. The break led me back home to a new job, new house, but back with friends and family I trusted. The situation at the time was devastating but looking back it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Whatever your situation, you just have to believe it is temporary, and there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck I hope you find a path that eases the pain.
Sorry to hear that mate. @S74 Red has good advice. Talking with your family or good friends is always a good starting point.
You in Boston? Assuming so, what’s Boston got to offer on a pleasant spring morning? Is it far from the coast? Gonna get yourself out into the fresh air, bird song and a cool sea breeze does wonders for the soul. Take care of yourself and hope you manage to enjoy.
Have you thought about volunteering? Might be nice for you to do something for other people to give you a sense of well-being and personal satisfaction. It'd also be a chance to meet new people. The worst thing you can do is close yourself off and shut down.
I am sorry that you are feeling the way you do. There is some good advice above, which I do not think I can improve on. However, your GP is probably as good a place to start as any. Nowadays doctors are much more aware of mental health issues. I know as I have one some who has come through mental health problems and another who is a GP. I wish you all the best.
Well done for coming on here and acknowledging that things aren't right. Lincolnshire can be quite an isolating place at times due to its vast size and small population. I have no idea what your social life is like, but if you're in need of a chat and a beer, feel free to drop me a line. I'm out of the country until next week, but I can usually be found in Lincoln. I know it's not super close, but I'm always happy to travel to the lovely breweries in Heckington or Wainfleet which are out your way. Absolutely no pressure of course, but if you do need an ear or just some company to talk about the Reds, you can always find me on here.
not a flippant question but can you ditch the job and get something more ‘ ‘user friendly’? I went through something very similar when I was younger, I worked in financial services, the money was good but the pressure wasn’t. When you are going to sleep thinking about problems and waking up thinking oh **** here we go again, it seriously impacts your mental well-being. In the end I switched jobs, the money wasn’t as good but certainly not bad but the effect on my lifestyle was huge. You don’t shake it off straight away but gradually things become ‘ normal’. Life’s rarely perfect but at least it’s in your power to balance some of it. Take care.
Mate. Please speak to someone. It’s always ok to not be ok. Coming on here and telling people is a massive step. Asking for help is in itself a cause for hope. There is support out there. None of us are qualified to give you advice but when I get in that headspace. Fresh air works for be. A walk by the seaside. Sun on my back. Get professional help speak to your doctor and ask for a referral to either Community Team or Spar Team. They will come visit you and assess. If you are coming to the football let us know we can have a meet up or a talk. I will organise it and you’ll be surprised how many people will want to help you. Just shout up.
Crying IS GOOD for you let it all out,good luck and get to the Doctors, you've done the first step coming on here and sharing your predicament.
The downside of bottling things up is that those around us don't realise our problem. Is there anyone you can talk to - friend, neighbour, relative who would support you. Is there anyone who you know who has been through a similar situation - who could empathise? If things have gone awry on a personal level then the way you feel whilst unpleasant is understandable. Accept life at the moment is **** and there is nothing wrong in feeling the way you do. Gradually things will settle down and things will even out and may get better.