Have you got Owlstalk open.. that will probably be the cause...I had a quick peek yesterday after Burton's third went in and the Lcd screen was bubbling.
I get it all the time. It sometimes bricks my phone, as in I can't do anything with it, not even switch it off, I have to wait until the power runs out. There's some seriously malicious code in the site. Been happening months.
I posted about this a while ago. I've stopped using the BBS on Chrome, absolutely unusable as you say Using Firefox with no issues
I notice that a couple of you have mentioned it works when using Samsung browser. So for those having problems are you all using Samsung phones by any chance?
I only use Chrome on my Android (One Plus) and rarely have any issues. The only issue I have is when using the back button and it takes a second or two to update. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Every time I try to access Owlstalk, the screen goes all green and black like the Matrix, and Mork the Pitsmoor Owl's voice starts playing over my amazon alexa, repeatedly saying "duz da know what I mean?"