That was in retaliation to their chant at him in the warm up, as described earlier in the thread. Norwood did nothing to goad them, all was well in sleepy Nailsworth. And then a bunch of lads piped up with their 'James Norwood is a wnkr, is a wnkr' chant. Norwood smiled, walked off, shook the hand of someone at their club, had a photo with a young un, and then went to the dressing room. His celebration was spot on, if fans are going to get personal and resort to petty playground (x-rated) namecalling, then a cupping of the ears when that player scores against you is the least they can expect.
I don’t go to away games very often any more, cos of the idiots that spoil it. There was some dreadful behaviour at the two matches I took my lad to this season, albeit they were at Leeds and Wednesday. At Leeds, in the first half, someone could have died had we scored, as so many numpties decided to cram onto the stairs, rather than taking their seats, whilst at Wednesday there was a punch up between Reds fans right in front of us. I don’t agree with the assertion that every club has its trouble-causers, cos when we went round the country completing the 92 a few years ago, there were plenty of clubs where the atmosphere was so far removed from what we were used to that it was like we were watching a different sport. Those clubs tended to be the smaller ones though, although the nastiest looking set of hooligans we came across were some Rochdale fans, as we had stupidly chosen to go to Bury v Rochdale, not knowing the levels of hatred they had for each other. Our arrival at the ground coincided with the police marching the Rochdale fans to the ground. Wouldn’t like to have met that lot up a dark alley.
Some people just like to moan about anything. Some people think they are being original when loudly commenting on the vegan stuff and looking around for a reaction. I waited for my son to get some food, and heard all manner of rubbish, about the food, about the ground and even about the walk from one end of enclosure to the snap cabin. when he came back with his burger, some young dude loudly said “eat thi plant burger” - we didn’t acknowledge him, so he repeated himself until we did. The food was fine btw. My worst experience yesterday was hearing a middle aged bloke calling someone a ‘jiggaboo’ and then singing “we’ve got no ni**ers in our team”. The mind boggles that they think others might be impressed by their ‘wit’.
WTF goes through these people's heads? I'm assuming it was a Barnsley fan? How do they think that affects Cole, Williams, Cotter, Russell and Jalo? Or are they ok because they're our players and therefore not actually n*****s?
There was a female steward stood right in front of them with her back to the pitch. I didn’t report it. It would be very difficult to go and get a steward and point someone out in that enclosure yesterday, without being noticed. There were about 6 steps and it was tightly packed.
More of the same tonight. A lass in the home end had she's got chlamydia chanted at her. People smoking in their seats. Some actually drinking their pints in their seats. One young boy in Burberry acting hard gesturing to the home fans who nearly **** it when confronted with two big stewards who told him to stop.
We had some real neanderthals stood behind us in the first half at FGR. They were disgusted at the small 'non league'ground, vegans, lack of choice of 'real' beer and that we should be playing at this level. They then moved on to calling all our players lovely person*s loudly and slagging off Williams as being rubbish so loud that he could hear every word. They then started singing nasty songs and told us to stop being boring and get behind the team- oh, the irony! One of them used the n word to slag off a FGR player marked by Williams. They were nasty and intimidating but I didn't turn around as my focus was on watching the team I love and trying to enjoy the match. A steward heard it all but was a young bloke so did nothing and if I had tried to report it, it would have been impossible as there were no seat numbers and I had no idea who said what. Being packed in so tightly was a a horrible experience, I always think of Hillsborough, and meant we were trapped with the most negative and nasty people ever. Fortunately, they moved on in the second half to ruin somebody else's day. I don't live in Barnsley now but I do often spend time defending people from Barnsley against the stereotype of being backwards and outdated in their views; it's such a shame that a minority then endorse that view and reflect badly on all of us.
Really? Would you be prepared to walk into the middle of a group of drunken blokes? Do you like fighting? Twice I’ve confronted people in the past, watching the reds, and both times it’s just caused more trouble than it was worth. You can’t reason with drunks. I’m 57 years old btw.
I'd like to think I would, I have twice before last time I was at the Oxford game when we won 4-0 in 2018 sat in my seat season ticket holder. A bloke next seat down who wasn't a season ticket holder and never came back casually asked me so far into the game on about cavare "who's that n***** in defence" nearly fell off my I said I don't want to speak to you if you coming out with that ****. His reply was everyone has a opinion mate. I said don't want to speak to you go **** off. He was abit intoxicated but that's no excuse could cut atmosphere with a knife after that and he never came back to the seat after half time. No I don't like fighting too old for it but if I hear something that's not right I like to think i would open my mouth unless it was a big group and I was on my own I may have decide against it depends on the day.
Fair dos, and if it was one person sitting beside me, I’d probably do the same, but there’s no way I’m going to push my way through a crowd of people to ‘have a word’ with someone in a group that’s laughing along.