Could this be linked to yesterday’s announcement by Oliver Dowden’s that he fears the Russians will launch cyber attacks on UK infrastructure? Or is it a warning that my MOT is about to run out or summat?
Just seems like the government are doing it out of envy. The system makes sense in the US where large parts of the country have a chance of a tornado, or rapid wildfires, or unpredictable storm surge from a hurricane. You just know our lot will us it the next time it goes over 33c.
It's more of the nanny state we were in through covid. It's totally unnecessary and will put vulnerable people at risk.
Alternatively, it would warn vulnerable people - such as those in Calderdale - of impending flooding so they could prepare. Or to shut their windows if there is a toxic fire. Or to help find missing kids.
I've seen a lot of people suggesting that this is us preparing for ww3. But I think that is irresponsible. The government doesnt "know something we don't" and this isn't proof of any elevated threat of war. Obviously tensions with Russia mean we have to plan for bad stuff, and this alert system falls into that category. It also has other applications which is why I think it is nothing to worry about. The news thrives off of making people worry because more worry means more clicks and sales. Remember the principle of mutually assured destruction - which has helped us avoid an outright global conflict since Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 40s, avoid the news, and try to enjoy all that you can in life
The country seems woefully unprepared for acts of nature/terrorism/war where it is right that the government has a duty to look after its citizens. This seems like it’s at least something, I don’t buy into the conspiracy theories- the height of irony has to be all those people posting on social media platforms that they don’t want to be controlled/tracked by the government- absolutely brainless. If the thought of the government sending you a message is too much to handle I suggest you bin your phone and go live in a cave.
Brilliant. So my phone buzzes to let me know a nuke is heading my way. Then what? Hide under my kitchen table with my fingers in my ears? Make a dash to my drinks cupboard? All seems so Badly thought out.