Regardless of whether one likes Abbots politics or not she DID make a stupid comment. Simple as that. No defence. At best insensitive. At worst anti-Semitic. She's let the Labour movement down and given the Tories ammunition. Stupid.
The gist of the article. Is pointing out the difference in how certain races were treated. Eg. As in blacks were not allowed on the same busses as whites. all other groups eg gypsies irish, Jews etc. were all still subject to some form of racism. But it wasn't all of the same type. All abhorrent in anyone's language. I believe her apology is genuine re the wording. (Racim and Prejudice. They are closely aligned if different ) But the labour party have had a great excuse to get shut. Be interesting if labour go up against her and corbyn as independents (if they decide to go that way) at the next election. Dominic Raab. Resigned because Sunak didn't have the balls to sack him. Despite him (Raab) saying the previous day. and still says he wasn't a bully even though the enquiry accused him of it. A prime minister who placed him as his deputy whilst under investigation. But let's not forget. The general population are willing to be shafted by this government. Couldn't make it up.
Boris spouts more bs than almost anyone I've ever known. I wouldn't say he got away with it. His chickens finally came home to roost but he conned enough people in the interim to screw up the country. Hopefully for him and his Tory mates their time is nearly up.
No matter what Labour do, they could have Diane Abbott saying silly things, or they could offer a living wage and free broadband, it doesn't matter. It's what Murdoch wants. Democracy is dead. Party figureheads are just for entertainment value - like Barbie and Ken dolls for the Media to dress up (in the sense of persuading the playground (public) if theyre a clown or villain) and throw away when a new model comes out.
I despise them both. But I take a different view of it. I don't think Raab would have voluntarily resigned, left to his own devices. I am fairly sure Sunak intimated he couldn't support him - particularly given Raab's assurance that he would go if found guilty of bullying. So Raab is left with no option but to go, leaving him free to badmouth the report and the civil service cabal that he alleges brought him down. Even the tone of his resignation letter smacks of bullying, and an almost Trumpian belief of his own righteousness.
Educational qualifications do not automatically amount to real world intelligence. There are so many examples of that (see Grayling, Rees-Mogg, Braverman). It seems to me like Abbott has entered some weird electoral suicide pact with Corbyn. A godsend to the Tories.
Absolutely no defence of her statement, we all know anti semitism has existed through the centuries, and the utter horror of pograms and the holocaust. Likewise for those of Romany origin. I think what she was trying to say in a very clumsy manner was that if your skin is darker then you can't hide, that people make up their minds about your characteristics and abilities on that glance. If you are Jewish or Romany it may not be noticeable straight away.
But we keep being told that she's not stupid, Helen, that she's a very clever woman. If that's what she meant to say she wouldn't have said it in such a stupid and obtuse way.
A possible theory, but you have to ask yourself Helen, given all the efforts Starmer has made to try and win back the confidence of the Jewish community is it really something she needed to say at this point?
You can be intelligent but lack common sense and be so arrogant you don't see the pit falls of opening your mouth to insert your foot. I think that just about sums up Corbyns girl friend.
I think it’s pretty obvious that’s what she’s getting at but she’s put it in a terrible way & she’s rightfully lost the whip. The Labour Party couldn’t care less about racism unless it’s for factional gain & Abbott’s stupidly given them all the ammo they need.
That’s it fella. It’s all Corbyn & his shadow cabinet’s fault. It’s nothing to do with when Labour were in power & doing good they tarnished it all with the Afghanistan & Iraq wars, lost several million voters & have never won power since even when led into elections by (not Corbyn) Brown & Milliband. It’s also absolutely nothing to do with brexit or many of their own party trying to lose the last two elections.
Whatever his qualities, and I agree he has many, Corbyn was/is an electoral liability. The "but Corbyn" mantra of the right wing press has destroyed his credibility and rendered him unelectable.
And the way I see it, this is truer now than it was before 2019. The Tory press are going after Starmer and Labour with even more venom following the divisive state of our politics since brexit.
...which has in turn led to 'tit for tat' slanging match both parties with the whole descending into 'gutter politics'. I am referring to the recent Labour campaign, rightly condemned by many (including many Labour politicians themselves) 'personalising' Conservative policies and targeting Sunak with the posters attributing words he has not actually uttered and even adding a 'signature'. Grown up politics is sadly lacking atm and , as usual, whichever party is in opposition, they spend more time criticising the Government of the day than publicising their solutions. That is what gets to me about 'protest groups'. Protesting is one thing but to do so you need to provide credible solutions to the problems and issues you are protesting about. e.g. 'Just Stop Oil'. Yes...but how? What is your exit strategy--- the one that won't send us back to the stone age?