It's weird how Diane Abbott saying that there is a difference between racism and prejudice and that Jewish people don't experience racism every day has received media coverage everywhere but the Tory saying every white man should have a black slave was barely covered
Another fine example of deflection and 'whataboutery' Edit Just Googled it. It was widely reported in most areas of the press. You Tube entry also incorrectly stated he was an MP (actually he is a Pembrokeshire councillor) Not that that makes the statement or sentiment any less appalling. It would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.
How long are you going to keep regurgitating that? And yet ANOTHER example of whataboutery. Where is it defending the Tories. Comprehension in your World seems to be jumping to conclusions and reading things into comments that are not there
Scouring the print and broadcast media this morning, Abbott has succeeded in getting this bad news story (for Labour) on every headline. And that, less than a fortnight before local elections. She has undeniably done harm to Labour's prospects going forward. Notwithstanding her excellent and groundbreaking record as a constituency MP I think that Labour need to part with her permanently and she should be barred from standing for the party.
I honestly don't know. But even if her remarks are simply careless I think that is sufficient to consider her an electoral liability and I think she should be let go.
I think there has always been a "gutter politics" element lurking in the main parties, but the trend for it to surface was undoubtedly exacerbated by the brexiteer politicians. Johnson took a sledgehammer to ethics and propriety and the rise of the likes of Raab and Braverman (educatated thicko's, in my book) has further debased things. As to policies, most of the political commentators subscribe to the view that governments lose elections - oppositions don't "win" them.
If people base their votes on a point of wording for which she has apologised. To go against their political views is about as daft as it gets. Jewish/ethnic socialists vote tory based on a Dianne Abott gaffe. Ffs. Vote for the tory party absolutely rife with closet racists. Some in the cabinet. As editor of The Spectator, Boris Johnson was strongly criticised for allowing columnist Taki Theodoracopulos to publish racist and antisemitic language in the magazine,[67][68] including Theodoracopulos' claim that black people have lower IQs than white people.[69][57] Another A senior Conservative peer has urged Rishi Sunak to distance the party from Suella Braverman’s “racist rhetoric” or risk ruining his legacy as the first Asian prime minister. Sayeeda Warsi, the first Asian person to chair the Tory party, said Braverman’s ethnic origin has “shielded her from criticism for too long”, claiming Conservatives had been “hesitant to hold an ethnic minority MP to account in the same way they would a white MP”. As much as I dislike Raab. I think there could be some truth in the fact that those that claimed were bullied took offence to his demands. I'd hate to be walking around on tiptoes unable to create discipline within some of the workforce who don't pull their weight so to speak. Bullying and being told off are different. Some can't recognise the difference. Especially in todays world. Once had a guy who came to me after being told off by his gaffer for not pulling his weight. Who reported him to the gaffer ? His colleagues.
It reminds me of the MP, can’t remember his name but he was Angela raynors boyfriend who stood on a rail worker picket line against the Starmer policy. Obviously giving fuel to the Tory press.
There is a lot of talk of Labour antisemitism - and unfortunately there are some in the Labour movement and party that are - or at least say - things that can be construed that way. There are also other forms of bigotry on display. This rightly gets called out regularly in the press. The last 3-4 (I lose count) Conservative PMs have all stood at the dispatch box in Parliament and routinely used antisemitic tropes and dogwhistles (Metropolitan Elite, North London Elite, etc.) and all you see are tumbleweeds. The current Home Secretary was crying the other week about how upset her Jewish husband was - but no question of how he felt about her use of "Cultural Marxism" in a speech a few years ago (For those unfamiliar, its an antisemitic conspiracy theory). It seems that one party is allowed to be openly racist, but for anyone else in the public eye its a flogging offence.
He wasn’t though that’s the point. Not in 2017. He only became one because of the job done on him by people in the media & within his own party. Instead of blaming the left for everything they should realise they’ve lost 4 elections in a row & not 2.
Fascists? Is that how you see the left of the labour party ? I will vote labour as there are still some MPs who have the same values as me. Never called for a full on left wing labour party. Neither have I called for an excuse of a labour party that ditches socialist values to pander to the super rich. Capitalism can and does run alongside socialism. In some countries.
The less ammunition that can be given to the Tory party the better. I stand by my previous comment when I said Abbott was stupid on tho issue. She is simply feeding the Tories ammunition which the media will amplify and exploit at a time when the focus should be to get the evil, nasty party out of local councils. She made a really dumb error. She just did. Retracting the comments is all well and good but the damage is done. I'm not a Starmer fan at all as I'm on the left but I recognise when someone who's also on the left has made a major mistake - Abbott has made a major mistake. She should basically have kept her mouth shut.
We all know the reason for that ST but that's all the more reason for someone as supposedly intelligent as Dianne Abbot not to give them ammunition. This is something they didn't even have to make up!
I believe Abbot's heart is in the right place on the majority of issues and she is a well respected in her constituency, but sadly she has an alarming habit of saying the wrong thing. I think it's time for her to leave the political stage.
My point exactly. The Media paints whoever they like to be the bad guys and people swallow it willingly. Headline after headline - "Abbott said this mildly racist thing!" No headlines about Braverman being a full on Neo Nazi Democracy is dead.