Has anyone known it be this cold, this late in April? I'm reading reports that it might snow this afternoon.
It's called Global Warming because of the Earth's temp. not how hot or cold it is near you. eg Wombwell, Nether Haigh etc. Sithee.
Yep, Once remember Going to Blackpool in Late April 1981. A win would’ve gave us promotion. Many Reds fans were ‘snowed in ‘ in Tarn and couldn’t get there. Meanwhile in Blackpool us that made it were basking in glorious sunshine.
Remember it well...I had to walk into town to catch the coach as the busses had stopped, my trousers were soaked up to the knees and when I got there everyone thought I'd been paddling in the sea
Wasn't there snow around Wembley as well - seem to remember chunks falling from the roof. It's a day I have tried to block out ...
Not just that though is it? Regardless of overall average temperature for the planet there is the changing pattern of ocean currents, prevailing winds to contend with meaning some regions may become significantly colder whilst other regions become unsustainable regarding population and agriculture due to heat and drought. Should the Atlantic conveyor current weaken or fail due to the melting icecap then Much of the US Atlantic seaboard, Ireland UK and much of Northern Europe could spend most of the winter months with temperatures akin to those in Canada. As an aside whilst I agree that GW is not a myth I take issue with a recent BBC article listing the causes of Global warming. All if them were 'man made' completely ignoring the possibility that the planet meteorogical 'cycle' is the principal cause albeit accelerated by human activity. The assumption seems to always be that this is the Earth's 'default' setting disregarding that between the Ice ages that have occured there are also ' mini' ice age events resulting in periods of climate change (e.g. most monasteries in the North had vineyards and warm winters in the middle ages. The Victorian 1800s regularly saw rivers frozen to the extent that fairs were held on them. Countless fluctuations occurred before humans existed and will continue to occur long after we become extinct. Nature will always win ultimately. We should be planning to emphasise mitigation not try to completely reverse the inevitable IMO
Remember it well. I came home from nights convinced the game would be off. My wife woke me at 11.00 to tell me it was definitely on. Struggled to get over the Pennines but eventually made it. Glavin played up front and was a fish out of water. Thankfully he played in his proper position the following Tuesday against Rotherham.
But according to you’re own post, if we are only accelerating GW than by taking action we can at least slow it down, why not
We went on the Friday afternoon, so missed the snow. Saw loads of cars driving on Blackpool prom the next day with snow on them.
The air we breath has never been as clean,I’m not convinced with this global warming debate but it’s more climate change,just remember it’s not so long ago we had an ice age.
The scientists are hoping we see sense rather than turning the Earth into Venus. CO2 traps heat in our biosphere. Pumping more C02 into the atmosphere than Nature can deal with, whilst destroying the Ecosystems that deal with CO2. It's not about mitigating, it's about not becoming extinct.
Was in the Lake District the weekend after Blair won the election - and just after our promotion celebration weekend - and it snowed quite heavily. That was early May. Seen it in the Peak District at the late May BH.
What conditions do we need for sulphuric acid rain? I thought that was due to the volcanoes erupting all the time on the planet Venus. It would take something extreme on Earth.