Especialy in the ponty, leaving with 10 mins still to play, disgusting, we are 4th in the table, the lads deserve better. Duff clapping a near empty ponty end, so sad, things like this will not make him think twice if a better offer comes in for him. If it was me I'd be thinking what do they want, play off's booked with 2 games to go and they f..k of early. PATHETIC.
Pure frustration I think. Of course we'd have been happy with 4th in August, but we got our hopes up for automatics and a couple of poor performances away from home combined with some diabolical refereeing decisions have taken that away. Then add being 3-0 down with 5k ecstatic/goading away fans and yet another dodgy ref, plus it was bloody cold and a school night, and I don't think we can expect anything else but empty seats by the end. I stayed til the end but I'm not mad at those who left early.
Agreed very disappointing how many were gone at FT. These lads deserve our support. It’s a minor blip in a fantastic season. Fair too many spit their dummy out at one bad result.
Correct. I had two young & cold children with me and a 40 minute drive home with 10 mins to get up to the car. I left at the 90th minute to avoid the traffic, PATHETIC.
The regulars stayed to clap round me.Tbf there were a lot of kids, staying till the end would make it late on a school night I agree with what you're saying though
I don't get the love. Its like sweet Caroline, all fans sing it, Ipswich loved it . I'd sooner have greasy chip butty!
True fans thread. For what it's worth I left after the 3rd goal so I could get an earlier train otherwise I'd have been hanging round the station for an hour. No, I'm not ashamed of myself either.
What a terrible thread,they all turned up in first place ,lots be on early shift etc,can’t see why the players trudge round anyway when they have been turned over,lost by 3 clear goals ,get yourself in the shower lads,we can have our mutual appreciation session when you’ve won or played well in a unlucky defeat
No problem from me. If we win pack up and **** off. If we draw pack up and **** off. If we lose pack up and **** off. I've a short attention span at games anyway. I once walked out of a game v Brentford in League 1 after ten minutes it was so drab. If I'm not feeling it. I'm off. Probably main reason I stopped attending. Was spending more time in the Mount than I was in the Ponty.
People need to realise just how difficult it is for people outside Barnsley on midweek games especially if you live in Pontefract. Last train to Leeds at 10:35. You've a choice stay while end and gamble or leave at 20 past nine and get the 9:35. Not so bad if you live anywhere in South Yorkshire though. Crossing the border a *******.
I've never left Oakwell before the final whistle, even when we lost 5-0 to Newcastle once. Don't understand it.
We left on the final whistle, it was cold & did not particularly want to listen to the Ipswich fans giving it large but the irony of this thread that there are people chipping in with their comments who were not even at the match, hypocrisy to say the least !!!
Yer did right because at the end of the day ALL people who tell other people not to do something or comment about what other people are doing , DO WHAT THEY WANT ,i found that out at work ,home anywhere in life. Do what YOU want not other people.
I wouldn't normally leave that early, but I often come out at the start of injury time on a night game to duck the traffic with me living outside of Barnsley. Up early for work the morning after and all that. Game was gone after the 3rd goal, so I left. I'm not even sorry.