Because they believe that this means they are not parked in a double yellow and won't get a fine. Both selfish and woefully ignorant.
Perhaps you play corsy on the curby and causey on the kerby ? Mi phone’s predictive text has blown up now
By all means contact the guy at the council but on Tuesday night there was a police van at the bottom with at least 2 sat in it surely they could see there was a problem and if so why didn't they take take it on and do something about it.
I get that on that occasion it was odd. That's the 1st time police been sat there though and it's been carnage most games. Ultimately anything needs doing long term its councils responsibility
We used to play hopscotch or sticks on the corsy. What the heck is curby. Just noted tha a foreigner.
Dunt try running int road. One of our lot having decided to go tut pub cos we were getting stuffed at coventry. Late getting back and running to dodge the traffic to get tut bus. Got pulled by a bobby (after being chased) and then arguing the toss over being accused of jay walking. Got took to cop shop still fuming with this copper. Desk sergeant thinking oh no not again. PC arrest em for owt. Brought mi mate in. Cos of all the cussing mi mate made for missing the bus lol.. PC arrest em for owt. insisted he be locked up and charged Mi mates Mrs wasn't best pleased. She'd just driven back from wales after visiting kin. Got back to wombwell and had to drive to coventry to go pick him up. If I remember rightly. mate was later released after the desk sergeant asked PC arrest em for owt, to drop charges. We don't let him forget lol.
"The aim of kerby is throw the ball across the road to try and hit the opposite side of the pavement kerb. The ball should bounce back to the thrower to gain a point. If the player manages to catch the ball during the bounce back he or she can be awarded an additional point. The game ends when a pre set score is reached. Some players would create a mini game during a bounce back catch which involved the bounce back catcher being permitted to stand in the middle of the road and throwing the ball against the kerb and catching each bounce back to gain extra points. The extra game ends when the player misses a catch."
Sounds a bit complicated that mate. No wonder we didn't play it. But we would play football with a tennis ball. Between 2 gates. ( goals with no goalie) Having to stop for cars ont street maybe once a day lol. (100 houses maybe 3 households with cars.) Or getting shouted in abart 10 pm. Playing under gaslight. (Still in use on the older section of the street till I'd say early seventies) T'owd fella int street used to go round lighting em and extinguished em int morning whilst he was on his knocker up for work round. (People paid him to do that). Good owd days.