Girlfriend in a coma is quite jolly despite the subject matter. I was thinking more last night i dreamt somebody loved me
Increased security checks my @rse. Woman in front of us pointed out a lad who'd been dishing out the Colombian stuff, to one of the stewards who seemed less than interested as he'd have to move his backside off the railing he was leanin on. When she challenged him again over it, his was response was "they'll check him further in" Who would? The turnstile operator? When she further kicked off cos no one was interested, they just randomly pulled some young kid out the queue and accused him, whilst the woman said it weren't him. He and his mates then piled in, rightly miffed about being accused of being the local dealers. The stewards on the turnstiles appeared to be a mix between incompetent and couldn't give a shīte, fairly confident I could have got owt I wanted into the ground if I'd been so inclined. Whatever they are gerrin paid, it ain't worth it.
That's a generic song that used to be sung by a lot of fans. It's a bit old hat now. First time I heard it was about 30 years ago when we played Middlesborough. ' You are my borough " . Also heard Wednesday sing it years ago .
Would love to hear the first 2:30 of 'Last Train' by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band used as a warm up or intro to Cocoon. Probably too much bagpipes for you guys but it always grabs my heart
And that's the problem. A lot of our fans have very little interest in getting there early and putting money into the club and building an atmosphere, they'd rather stay in pubs till the last second and slide in just as the ref blows the whistle. it's a mindset and attitude towards home games that we need to get our fans out of somehow because sadly there are thousands like you.
To the Pogues " Dirty Old Town" We sing out loud in the Ponty End, Dream a dream of Wemberlee, He's a dog but Toby is our friend We support Tarn We support Tarn ( or Barnsley FC for the posh version)
i really don’t think it’s unique to Barnsley though. Everywhere you go you will find that fans go for drinks and away fans are in the stadium earlier - due to coach drop offs, travel arrangements etc. At Oakwell, the nearest drinking place is the fan zone - which in its current state is not for everyone. There’s not a great deal to tempt you into the ground for a drink either.
Love the tune but think Lyrics need a bit more work, but deffo on right track. Here’s my attempt. I found my love on the grass at Oakwell Dream a dream as we walk from Tarn The Red and white storm will cause you hell Super Barnsley Super Barnsley
Nice one. All we need now is 4,500 song sheets to put on the seats in the Ponty End. I do like the tune.