Someone who earns over 125k a year says it's not enough Life is tough out there.
"my clothes are high street and our weekly shop is from Asda. We take one bucket-and-spade family holiday a year, last year it was in Tenerife – lovely for the children, but hardly the Maldives. What devours my money at a terrifying rate is bills: mortgage, childcare, school fees, travel, gas and electricity… the list goes on. Although we can just about pay them now, I’m scared we’re one mortgage hike from living totally beyond our means. We moved out of London four years ago to buy our four-bedroom house in Surrey for £1.3 million" Piss off you ignorant, arrogant *****. £1.3m house (of which they paid 800 grand cash). kids in private school. Earning a minimum wage employee's yearly wage every 6 weeks and yet they don't consider themselves rich, complain that they're struggling and bitching that people on benefits get too much compared to them? Get ******. People like that are all that's wrong with the world the greedy selfish ********
Is this even REAL ? If I set up a just giving page will fellow BBS 's contribute then they can go to the Maldives? How very sad they can only manage Tenerife and then after go back to their £1.3 million house,my heart bleeds!!!
No, no, I'm very sympathetic. I think it's a sad state of affairs when their poor little daughter only has 3 servants to tend to her every need at boarding school instead of the usual 5.
She's only paying in 7.5% into her pension, needs to double that if she wants to be comfortable in retirement
And £15k a year school fees?? What kind of a special measures establishment is that?? The two round here are well over £20k a year.
Gonna go somewhat against the grain here, this article reflects the world I live in and I'd agree with chunks of what is being said. I recently left London as despite earning a good wage I will never be able to but a house there. I'm lucky that I can work from home, so can keep my job and buy elsewhere. Think the crux of the issue is that everyone I know who is wealthy and lives a more extravagant lifestyle is from old money. Money is on tap from parents or inheritance and businesses can be started without fear of failure or need for immediate returns. Those not from old money can be comfortable in life but it is incredibly difficult to bridge that gap to being wealthy as a salaried employee and the risk of starying a business is huge if you have no fall back. The below paragraph rings very true and taxing inheritance more would be a huge leveller in society. "In this country, we need to start distinguishing between earnings and wealth. Wealth – assets or inheritance – are not taxed at the level earnings are. And how can I accumulate wealth if I’m being taxed so much? Let’s be clear: if you went to state school and have no family wealth, but you worked hard to get a high-paying job, you may earn a lot but that does not necessarily equate to being wealthy."
And they’ll probably slate nurses for wanting a pay rise, because they had the audacity to own a mobile phone
Sorry but if you have a £1.3m home, send your kids to private school and get what a factory worker earns in a year every 6 weeks then stop moaning. Try looking down and seeing how fortunate you are not looking up and moaning you don't have enough