It's perverse. "We know half of you can barely afford to eat at the moment, but would you mind forgetting that for a day to celebrate this billionaire with his golden carriage, which you paid for? Also accept him as your head of state, which you didn't vote for." I think Charles may be our last King. I hope so.
I would have hoped the television coverage rights and merchandising across the globe would have made a huge dent in the costs to taxpayers but maybe not.
Really weird time to allow this considering the monarchy is the least popular its ever been. You'd think they'd want to portray it as more modern etc.
I think he’s using it on the way home. Uses the other one to get there. Parking is terrible around Westminster so it makes sense to get dropped off and picked up afterwards
I will pay the event the attention it deserves - zero. We really do exist in the most backward of nations.
That's what happens when you allow someone as disgusting as Justin Welby with no sense of right or wrong to have any involvement
I've been invited to a party next weekend. As I suffer badly from fomo, can anyone recommend a suitably appropriate republican outfit to wear? I thought about going as Prince Andrew but I sweat too much to make it convincing.
Something like this...