I particularly like the added bit about allegiance to "his heirs and successors"... Way things are headed there wont be too many of them in the current setup. They may actually end up having to work for a living. Imagine having to swear allegiance to a merchant banker a few years down the line!! I don't agree with @mansfield_red on much but I am totally with him on this one!
It is bizarre how they have wrapped this up in a 'modernising the Coronation' agenda. Surely if he is 'vowing to 'serve the nation' he should be pledging allegiance to the State (us) and not tehy oter way round. Pledging allegiance to a monarch harks back to the days of swearing fealty to the Lord of the manor etc. As in those days, does this not mean if he then tells people they must join the army to fight in a war, failure to do so amounts to treason or some form of punishment, otherwise , and as is undoubtedly the case, the 'pledge' is completely worthless and pointless . EDIT: I remember years ago 'Alf Garnett' always stood to attention at home when the National anthem was played on TV or radio. His son-in-law got both barrels for being a "scouse git" and pretty a much 'full on' anti-royalist.
We’ve been ordered (as all clubs have) to play the national anthem next weekend. And make the programme a coronation souvenir. Very dictatorial.
Am I right in thinking that minutes silences for Hillsborough were dictated by the EFL too and the minutes silences for remembrance day are also dictated not requested
Sorry, 'ordered' was the wrong word. It's been requested. I don't see the club refusing. Or any club to be honest. Not worth the headlines afterwards is it? And FTR, my opinion is merely that. I know that many at the club love the idea. But I'm a loony lefty aren't I? I don't believe in royalty.
For clarity, I was against games being postponed when Elizabeth passed too. That programme cover was Royal-ized too. We are always advised to try and steer clear of politics and religion in football. But I feel this falls into that same category. But again, just my opinion.
I really don't get this coronation stuff' he's king he's in office already why do we have to go through this nonsensical charade?' Its going to cost the tax payer millions and in the current climate where people literally can't afford to live its obscene.
'Evil anti-Royal perverts are cashing in on the coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla by flogging rubber sex bottoms, allegedly modelled on her trumper. The fake backsides are produced by Godless communists in China.'
I don’t have any strong views about the monarchy one way or the other, but in the interest of balance I do think it is worth pointing out that as an industry the royals do generate far more income for the country than what it costs to maintain them.