I'm currently in the middle of making a 3d computer model of Oakwell and was wondering if anyone has any photos etc of the wooden seating in the West Stand Upper Tier. i'm not looking for pinpoint accuracy as it's only for my own ammusement and practise with the software. Thanks Guys
This is the Yorkshire Post link to when we signed Max Watters. Scroll down and you get a good idea of the seats https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/spo...n-from-championship-club-cardiff-city-3976217
Scroll down this to the Oakwell section, there's loads of pictures of the West stand, inside and out. https://footballandmaterialculture....ven-days-day-3-10th-september-2022-yorkshire/
Wow! Those are the best pictures of Oakwell I've ever seen. In the article the West Stand is referred to as the Archibald Leitch Stand!! That can't be right can it. That would make it more valuable than the other three stands put together - and it would be listed.
I've read somewhere that contemporary newspaper reports stated it was designed by Archie Leitch, but it's not mentioned in the company records - actually just found this: https://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/archibald-leitch-oakwell-history.276768/
It is a Leitch design, but I doubt it’s listed, and there’s nothing intrinsically iconic about it really. One of his most basic designs. No classic latticework, like Goodison. No iconic facades like Arsenal, Villa Park or Ibrox. The only thing is the gantry, which has been obscured for years by cameras.
Looks like this link has a picture of Oakwell before the 'new' West Stand. https://playupliverpool.com/1907/02/16/oakwell-barnsley-f-c-football-ground/
I was surprised when I heard it might be by Leitch for those exact reasons. Objectively, it's not one of his better efforts. Sounds like the club were doing things on the cheap again!
Admittedly not the best picture, but you can see it's not the current west stand as there's no gable where the TV gantry is now. Also you can tell it's Oakwell by comparing the buildings in the far corner on the 2 pictures below. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBVv-QuXoAQkob7?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 https://playupliverpool.com/1907/02/16/oakwell-barnsley-f-c-football-ground/
Are you saying it's a different roof? I was under the impression it's always been the same stand, they just added the gantry and seating to the lower tier..
In the YEP article Leitch is quoted as saying they were going to pull down the existing stand and replace it with a new one nearer to Grove Street.
The picture on the Liverpool page is a different stand. The one that was there before the current one was built in 1910.
If you are planning a 1980s version of Oakwell I have architects drawings of the Brewery Stand. Drop me a PM