For more money when the country needs all the money to pay for a coronation reported to be costing £250m. Good to see we get the priorities right.
Why don’t the government fund the nurses pay rise from the £350m a week Brexit savings? After all it is for the NHS isn’t it?
Seems like this govt would sooner spend time in a courtroom rather than a negotiating room. Horrible govt with horrible people in it
I’m neither a devout royalist nor an anti-monarchy republican, but I’d ask you not to make the mistake of thinking that paying for a coronation means nurses can’t be fairly paid. And ‘junior’ Doctors (ridiculous term, some retire in their sixties still technically a ‘junior’), ambulance staff, police, all of them. It is a political choice to underfund these areas. It is a political choice not to increase national income through taxation - when tax cuts and relief for the rich can be ill afforded but still provided. There is plenty of money in this country for everyone to be fairly paid, nobody to need a food bank, and for the rich still to be rich and make more and more too - they just need to contribute to our society more fairly. I’m more appalled at the profits announced by BP and similar than a one off £250million on an event which rightly or wrongly will sit majorly in history; and which I would suggest at least half of the country are fully in support of. The figure i’d seen was £50-£100million but either way it’s the tip of the iceberg and relatively irrelevant in the long term. Copper coins in comparison to the money which should be put into the nhs etc.
Think less than 50% woukd be fully in support of it @troff but I get where you're coming from. That amount of extravagance in the midst of a cost of living crisis is never going to sit well.
It's not their money they are wasting ,hence the reason taking it to court. Easy to blow tax payers money up the wall. This isn't a first by the way.
I think you might be surprised Helen. There are a hell of a lot of people still devout royalists in this country. Maybe not so many in northern, working class areas with pretty socialist tendencies I’d guess mind. That said we’re not short of houses with the blue white and red bunting up in and around DN5. Did you mean to share that playlist?
See that’s the bit that gets me, ‘The King’ he is the king, everybody knows he’s the king, so why not just crack on without all fuss!
Yes, bad enough that have to have a king in the first place but all this ceremonial baloney - that WE are paying - for just rubs salt into the wounds.
That That bus with the banner PROCLAIMING the £350m has never been seen since it went round once,ANOTHER lie!