Will probably do a long walk. I’m not anti-royal, but I’m not planning to be glued to the tv either. I do appreciate that this is one of the most historical days in my lifetime. If my Mum was here she would be glued to it. I’ll watch the highlights, but I do have very mixed feelings about the whole thing in the present climate.
Reading the Coronation Mega thread. https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/to...&share_fid=60198&share_type=t&link_source=app
It’s not history as he’s already King it’s just another irrelevant medieval ceremony that means nothing in modern society other than to reinforce our corrupt system of privilege and patronage
Watching it all in Manchester airport with ten pints in my Union Jack hat and T-Shirt. Then nipping off to the Multi-faith area to swear allegience. Long live the King, Long live the King.
Ill probably watch the coronation - Mrs is keen to watch and though neither of us are Monarchists its a major event in the history of the country Can fully understand why some others will be giving it a miss. We wont be swearing allegiance or wearing union jack T-shirts