Didn’t take long for the Oxford elite to turn her Tory did it… How that woman was ever our prime minister is beyond me. Her smiling face chatting ******** about pork markets, as though the sh.ite she was spouting in some way proved brexit was successful, grates me to this day.
Pretty sure if you don't want to watch it you don't have to physically hide from it. It won't hunt you down and play out in front of you. You can even watch TV, there are limitless channels these days if you include the likes of Netflix and the coronation is on a couple of them. I'm not going to watch it, it's not my thing, but it being broadcast on a couple of TV channels and a couple of radio station has zero impact on my life. Literally none. It affords no limitations and doesn't require any planning to avoid it.
I'll be busy coating my body in coronation chicken and getting some adult actresses to lick it off. Then I'll wake up and go down the pub.
can you hang on until May 7 ???? May 7 being National Masturbation day !! (not many people know that.)