Came on suddenly whilst I was at work last Friday so I had to go home. Train journey back to Rotherham was horrible sweating profusely to point my shirt was wet through but didn't want embarrassment of taking off my hoody. Been off work all week with it. How long should it last? Last night was feverish. Settles during the day but it's murder through the night. Almost gone nocturnal this week. Sleeping through the day and 5 hittin' through the nite. Had to ring doctors. They asked me to go down to see them because of cramps and referred me for ultrasound. If I'm still p1ssing through my arsehole tomorrow got to go back and they'll arrange for a sample.
I had similar at the start of December although there was no night shits only. It was all the time. Lasted about 4 days and worked it's way out naturally, no doctors or meds. What you have sounds worse and hope you feel better soon. I lost about a stone during the period I was ill!
You’ll probably know this, but rehydration is very important here, get those electrolyte drink powder thingys down you
Odd to find this thread......felt ill when I got home on Sunday aft. Basically spent the last four days on the shitter. Nowt but mucky watter. Alternating between the shivers and the sweats. No appetite or energy. Oh and good luck finding Dioralyte anywhere. Issues with manufacturers on continent, apparently. Sticking with lucozade
I too had the dreaded shits started 12am Monday morning and throwing up basically a solid 12 hours in the bathroom. luckily I'm over it now had Tuesday off work and back in Wednesday although still not 100%. Hope you feel better soon mate. Not nice although better than when I had noravirus I would have happily taken cyanide that day bloody awful wouldn't wish it on anyone
Is it contagious? Should we cancel the orgy of free love? Asking for a friend. Seriously - best wishes to everyone. Hope you're all feeling better soon.
If you are struggling to get hold of dioralyte, lucozade sport drinks have electrolytes but the best thing I’ve found are the cheaper ripoff version of Prime that they sell in Herons and B&M, Body Fuel. I had the ten Bob bits in a bad way last week. Thankfully I work from home with the laptop in the next room to the bathroom… Couldn’t eat much at all for a couple of days and wasn’t right for a few days after. But the body fuel drinks helped a lot (that and about three full boxes of loperamide over four days). They didn’t taste that great mind you! I had sweats, stabbing pains, nasty. In the continuance and support of previous over-sharing and tmi, I knew after I’d given birth to a pineapple (sideways) on day five that I was ok though… maybe a couple too many loperamide tablets. Oh and make sure you just buy the cheap £1 loperamide you can get at supermarkets etc, they are exactly the same as Imodium, same ingredient, and the pharmacy wanted £6.50 for a box of those. Balls to that.
I was getting my hopes up that this was the first signing of the summer. Gastro Enteritis - a young Portuguese winger who likes to go on mazzy runs - but it just appears it's a load of 5h1t€
My wife got noravirus on holiday, some years back now. She ended up in hospital for 3 days. Hospital was nicer than the hotel. We've had better holidays.