I'm taking the dogs I borrow to Filey for 3 days. My bro's holiday home is free. I get about zero holidays a year being self employed & budgeting for Wembley if we get there. Will be watching the match on Now TV (Sky). Hope we can make it. Respect to all that are there. Been watching the Reds through thick & thin since '74/75.
I don't see the situation being different at the majority of clubs these days. Any that are (almost) selling out the ground at any rate.
Yooooo Reeeeds, keep Connor Bradley quiet, thats the key. Barnsley F,C, needs you, the Club needs a Fan like you, it has a task for you to do, we have a job for you to do, somewhere for you it has a place, The young the old the newcomers too, your roar will see us through, you need not wear a hat or scarf, just serve the Club and do your bit, In some way help the Football Club, and be deserving of applause and cheer, behind the Club we all must get, do the best that you can do and make the day a dream come true. BARNSLEY F,C, we love you.
Bah Humbug!! It'll be a rip roaring atmosphere at Oakwell if we lose first leg 3-0. I'm happy to wait and see what we do Saturday first. If we get battered won't even watch second leg be Corrie instead.
Do you not see it in the first post? You shoukd be able to save that otherwise I can email it if you ping me the best email
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Ronnie’s day.
Its like Once upon a time in the West lol. Maybe we should play some Ennio Morrecone music, instead of Time rider.
Oh go on then, you’ve twisted my arm. Looked like the last 2 seats together in East Lower. Though don’t know if the unused season tickets have gone up or not
Not sure if they’ve put the unsold st seats on yet. There’s little in the east stand other than in the family enclosure in the far east upper and odd single seats around. Still plenty in the south half of the west though.
Can we open the north for home fans as well with Bolton only taking 2000! It will make it an even better atmosphere, it was great against Pompey!
Looks like the unused season ticket holders seats are now up for sale. A few dotted around the ponty end, and still a fair few left all along the East Stand.
Accepting that some people may have personal circumstances that make attending tough or impossible surely everyone else should be snapping tickets up right, left and centre and straightaway, now, before the first leg and regardless of the score in it. Why wouldn't we think we can do anything to them at Oakwell that they do to us at their place? If you can't get yourself down and give this team the backing it deserves after this season it's given us then when can you? If you can't back this wonderful manager who's made a silk purse out of a sow's ear and who talks our language who can you back? If you can't back Duff in this most exceptional of games with the prospect of Wembley to follow then do you really deserve him as manager? It's not as if the tickets are unreasonably priced either. Come on, buy today - get behind Duff and the lads. Fill the ground, get behind the manager, team and players. Make it a hostile atmosphere, thank them for a tremendous season with your presence and voice and make them feel invincible!