Would expect the club to put some more stuff out today, pointing out that more tickets have been released. There might've been some people wanting to buy multiple tickets together, that couldn't find any in the East, so were put off. Or people that want a ticket in the Ponty, that will get their tickets, with news that more are on sale.
Loads of seats left in all stands now season ticket seats have become available. Can’t understand how almost every single season ticket seat wouldn’t be claimed for the biggest game of the season!?
No way theirs that many available especially in the ponte. I think it will change again. Saying that people also will be waiting for tomorrow's result but it will be the same people who will be crying for a ticket for Wembley
Is it only me that can't see point committing to buying a ticket to a second leg that might be like Friday night at the mausoleum should we get beaten on Saturday. I doubt there'd be this "your club needs you" tripe if it were the first leg. Every man and his dog would be at the bum fight. Chucking money down a potential blind alley if you ask me. I've every faith the players will do a job tomorrow but not blind faith. I hope they do the job and everyone is scrambling for the remaining tickets on Saturday night instead of thinking "oh 5hit that's money down the toilet but at least we'll be able to thank Duff on the players for their efforts in the Friday gangbang".
I'd recommend anyone to wait until 5pm tomorrow until deciding whether to buy a ticket for next weeks match, like you said if we're 3 or 4 goals down going into the second leg there's no point some people who are already hard up for money spending it on a dead rubber match.
I`d genuinely like to know the threshold for everyone "waiting to see" where the score means that you wouldn`t buy a ticket for the 2nd leg.
Yeah I'll give you a two goal start but lose an early goal in the second leg and I'm in The Mount quicker than you can say "pint of Strongbow please".
I think we should make a big thing about the scarves again this seemed to galvanise the support for the Derby County game and for other games afterwards.