On Friday 19th, I will be in Southmead Hospital in Bristol having my right kidney removed along with its tumour which has grown to 18 cms in length. I shall miss the event, but will be cheering on the Reds, as long as I am compus mentis by then. I will record it and watch when back home sometime around Tuesday, or Wednesday the following week. It's a question of needs must. All the best to Michael and the wonderful team he has got playing so well. It will be a tonic if we win. COYR.
Your health comes before any football match mate, hope the operation goes okay and you're on the road to recovery in no time. And you're fit and able enough to go to Wembley.
That's when football becomes secondary. Hope you get fully recovered. And you can look forward to getting back to watching football . Which ever league were in ,that's most important for yourself. Good luck.
All the best for the operation and a fast, speedy and full recovery. Hopefully we’ll have something for you to really enjoy when you are able to watch it!
Part timer Seriously, take it easy. Hope the operation is a success and you have a speedy recovery See you at Wembley
Jesus! The lengths you’ll go to just to avoid watching us Joking aside mate good luck with your Op and wishing you a speedy recovery,