On the face of it, not a bad result. Looked pretty solid overall. Glad Mads was back in & Norwood to start next week for me.
T H I S GET THEM TICKETS BOUGHT REDS, home advantage will make a huge difference if Oakwell is bouncing, get behind em, it’ll be a night to remember for years to come
Consistent and kept his cards in his pocket. I’m fine with that. Don’t expect to agree with every decision, but as long as they’re fair and consistent they’ll do for me. Wish we had him again next week. I’d put money on a yellow card inside five minutes on Friday.
Happy enough with that. We looked a lot better than we did against Peterborough and Ipswich. Definitely prefer to be in our position than Bolton's!
Thought we edged the game certainly on chances. You have to fancy us at home over 90 mins to get the job done.