Got grief all afternoon from their accently-challenged brain donors, then post match applauded the crowd in every stand. Absolute class act. Am trying to weigh up whether i write my kids out of my will to leave everything to him. On balance i think i probably will. Best player in the league. Best person in the league. Absolute joke he's not in the team of the season.
He said in his pre match interview that he would clap them. Seems a nice lad who's enjoying his football.
I've tried to work out why they don't like him from reading their forum, and there's no straight answer.
It’s a strange one. He was very highly rated as a young player for Bolton but they had to sell him to Celtic when they got into financial difficulties. Why they now choose to give him such grief is beyond me. Very strange set of folk are their fans.
Aye, from what I can make out, they needed to sell due to their financial issues, and a bigger club came in for him (regardless of your opinions of Scottish football, Celtic are a much bigger club). Some saying he forced a move, when he had a choice to stay, but if the administrators are involved, surely it's them who makes that sort of decision. I think they're mainly upset because he's now playing back at this level, just not for them. He'll be a championship player next season I just hope and pray its with us.
The ******* went to their much smaller rivals Celtic when they were desperate for money. Love Mads but he should have got POTY. Got stick yesterday especially taking corners, but classy enough to give every stand a genuine applause at the end, as our last player to leave the pitch.
To be fair though there were sections of our support who booed Victor when he came on, albeit it was a bit half-hearted and with less vitriol. Nevertheless, I'm not sure what he did to deserve that from us either.