I thought that but I guess it could mean that we’ve been able to do a deal with them as they’ve allowed us to do something or other in exchange for X amount of rent or whatever. Meaning it’s not that necessarily that’s the exciting bit but something exciting has been able to happen because of it and that is what Khaled is going to announce (which means the op either doesn’t know the announcement or does but hasn’t shared it yet).
Well I imagine it would have cost the council a few million for the 50% but would be short term gain.
Council owning the whole ground would be very good news. Secures the Clubs long term future and a future at Oakwell. Likely to see the West Stand finally sorted too. Would still be a surprise to move towards a progressive European model of ground ownership though.
https://www.barnsleychronicle.com/a...confident-about-new-oakwell-lease-this-season A follow up to this? I've been more excited tbh.
It would only be good news in my eyes if the club owned the ground. Why is it good news if the council own it.
I would worry about investment in stadium redevelopment though. I can’t see the council funding it, and who else will, when they have no ownership?
Why? It’s a community asset that is visited by thousands of people every other week, and the more people that visit it, the better it is for the local economy
Because we have had some very untrustworthy owners in the past/present; as seems all too common in English football.
They’d be agreeing a new long term lease and a new rent. As part of that deal, finance could be raised without the council necessarily having to fund it to improve the facilities.
Council acquire 100% of the stadium, BFC remain there rent free. The club becomes liable for all maintenance and redevelopment going forward, and has a 99 year lease hold on the stadium, for peppercorn rent. However, it then would be difficult (but not impossible) to raise finance/grants on the redevelopment, as the club don’t actually own the ground.
Guess it depends how the financing would work. Not sure how happy I would be with the Club borrowing money on unsecured assets. We're in enough trouble financially as it is. If BMBC were to take sole ownership, as commercial landlords I would expect them to put their hand in their pocket in some capacity, for improving facilities. My worry is they might hold a different view. Dunno, we'll see...