No chance of a knighthood, he's no mates in the tory party. Seriously if ever a man deserves a Knighthood it's Kevin Sinfield
I was manning one of the water stations today, so saw them both go past at very close quarters, with their support crew. Inspirational.
Apparently Sinfield said he did it so they would get the same time, if he had pushed him through Rob Burrow would get a faster time as he would go over the line first
Well done Kevin. What a fkn horrible disease MND is. Hopefully research can find some sort of cure soon.
I run in quite a few events over a year and it’s the people on the water stations/Marshall’s who are the unsung heroes. On behalf of all the runners to all the Marshalls out there, Thank You.
As fantastic as Kev is he can't do it alone,many many people contribute to the event unseen and seen , they are very much appreciated imo. Well done to EVERYONE.