I sit right up there near half way line. Shouldn't be too cold on Fri. Be prepared though, take an extra dressing gown.
There's a considerable amount of pressure being put on the club to open the North stand up. I'd expect an announcement in the morning.
Thought the whole idea of giving Bolton 2000 tickets was so we could have home fans in the North stand. Come on BFC, make it happen.
I think the main idea was the minimise their support in the second leg. Splitting the north stand is always going to a discussion with the safety advisory board. That said, in a recent meeting with SYP and fan groups the police said it had worked really well when we did it this season and claimed not to have any objection to it. There’s also additional stewards that the club would need to open that area. So cost/ availability comes into it as well (off set by predicted sales. What would we sell do we think?)
99 seats available now. No pairs at all. Would be absolutely criminal if thats how it stays when there's a perfectly good stand sat more than half empty and someone should be ashamed of themselves if it isn't opened. Ps that person isn't a bfc employee
To be honest I don't think the few hundred quid it would cost in stewards should come into it at all. I know why it does but it shouldn't because it's a drop in the ocean really and for every seat sold it isn't just one ticket, it's potentially 50 years of support. The safety advisory board in Barnsley is a disgrace. I'm amazed that they aren't held to account for their over zealous risk averse attitude
Recon we'd sell loads it's now FOMO seeing ground selling out but folk wanting seats together especially families have no option to buy at the moment
95 seats left ponty sold out 6 left in West stand 89 in East stand surely makes sense to open the North stand to home fans now.
I wonder if it depends on how we've allocated Bolton fans tickets too. If we've already split it in the same way as we did for Peterborough then the tickets we've sold Bolton would need amending wouldn't they?
Surely we’ve just sold them top to bottom closest to the tunnel, like we did for the Portsmouth game? Leaving the right hand side of the stand free for home fans. There’s no chance we’d allocate like the Posh game, it’d be too late to swap and sort over now.
Simple - give them a couple of hundred more as a sweetener, on the understanding it's now unreserved seating.
I don't think we allocated like that for the Posh game either. As far as I understand it, we opened up the area because tickets were available to buy on the day and they were allowed to spread out across the stand. I was told there was about 500 pay-on-the-day fans.
That's not what Khaled said: '“It’s a combination of what we think is good for both clubs and also to provide a chance for as many Barnsley fans as possible to watch the game next Friday.” https://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/spo...ad-bolton-wanderers-play-off-ticket-decision/ If they don't open the north for home fans it's a PR disaster in my eyes.
I make it 52 tickets left. I think it’d be difficult to open half the north now as I suspect many people will have bought tickets they’d wish to swap if so. I also don’t know how much more demand there is likely to be. We shall see I guess.
Yes guys we need a little bit, or rather a lot more of this lol. Like when we beat Gerry Taggart's Bolton in the Premier league in '97, our first home win of that season.