I’m a woman of a certain age. Timings?? Tifo Scarf twirling minute’s applauds Shine a light Pitch invasion(?)! Where do I fit in the loo stops?!!
Unless I’ve missed something… hold up tifo (a word I only came to know last week) if in East Stand. Wave a scarf throughout the ground if take one. Put light on your phone on 61st min. Not sure there is anything else
Please don’t invade the pitch. Don’t give the authorities the excuse to shaft us. But otherwise: TIFO in the East - just hold up some anti-flammable plastic as the teams come out Scarves encouraged elsewhere, particularly the Rimmo Stand Shine a light, sing for Beth 61st minute Fanzone open from 6, musicians, football freestyler, facepainter (free), Neerav and JAQ on stage 30% off food and drink 6.30 to 7.30 Alex Mowatt in legends suite Tom Edwards half time guest Sing and support the lads from the first second to the last - scream and shout for every 50/50, be the difference Let’s give it our all, and leave nothing out there
Whilst I respect the message totally re not invading the pitch. Realistically are Luton going to be going round and retrospectively banning fans that entered the pitch following their win last night.
Just checking but is the face painter one of Ray Von's mates? I've tried everything, swarfega, soap and water, it won't come off
Things might be different with us though with how many times we've got done & how many fines we've had. We have to be on our best behaviour
Not invading pitch - that was a joke. It’s very far from East Upper, and adults who do that are just losers
Do a Paula Radcliffe. We'll not mind. At middlesborough it was the only option for most lads. They couldn't budge.
To be fair if anyone invades the pitch directly from the east upper I think they should be allowed to do it without punishment
First i came across it last week (the term) But it's that fan bit where everyone holds aloft a coloured card. Which either makes a few words, a picture or both across the stand...
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tifo What we need moving forward is fan groups to take the lead on this. It can’t be on the club to always make the effort. I’ve spoken to Neil from Tykes TV and he has plans to get a huge crowd surfing banner ahead of next season. The club support all these kind of activations. But it’s usually fans of clubs who organise it. We seem to be doing all the graft.
Right, I’ll organise the Pyros, the drums, the vuvuzelas, rattles, air horns. We need to issue @granty the red with his own microphone.The club need to ban fans from wearing gloves as this muffles the sound of clapping. Think that’s enough for me to be getting on with
To be fair the 'graft' the club have done so far has been to minimise how many Barnsley fans can go to the match
I go to a few Italy games (Milan's my team) you should see the Ultras organising this kind of stuff, all laid out in the park next to the San Siro. Taking the young un next season for the first time before it's demolished.
Yeah, we've proper failed. More home fans in Oakwell on Friday night than we've had all season. At the cheapest prices. Had demand been there early, we'd have convinced the authorities to allow what we asked for. But unfortunately, there were nearly 3,000 empty seats on Saturday morning.