I'm bricking it but excited at the same time. Don't know if I'm hardy enough to cope with the anxiety of having them lot in the final if we did get through tonight
I'm struggling a bit. Want us to win, (obvs) but only if it meant guaranteeing beating that lot next week.
Said to a mate last night after the Weds result: Lose today = horrible Win tonight = slightly less horrible Not sure nerves would cope with 9 days of waiting.....
No. I want us to win tonight. Then hang Wembley ... if we win there, brilliant, if we don't then move on. We've had a great season which could only develop next season. I'd never miss the opportunity of watching my team at Wembley, no matter what. It's a once a flood occasion. Some teams never ever get there, so don't pass over the chance to go when you can. But first ... tonight !
No nerves from me after last night, by hook or by crook Wednesday will win at Wembley now; it’s written in the stars.
Exactly. It'll be the first time I've taken my young un ( wasn't interested enough to go in 2016 unfortunately ) and I desperately want to get there !
I’m quite relaxed about playing them at Wembley, as it’s a completely free hit - we win fantastic, a once in a lifetime experience, we lose no worries, everyone knows they’d beat us. All the pressure will be on them and they might just brick it. This is from me who can’t abide losing to them and hates all the nerves that go with it. Whether that will be the same by bedtime tonight, who knows.
I’m excited, a loss today wouldn’t both me, I know we’ve had a fantastic season and I know we are now heading in the right direction as a club, lose tonight and next season could be just as exciting if not better, we’ll get promoted eventually. I’m not as bothered about Wednesday as I thought I would be (should we win), I don’t think the chance to play them at Wembley will come around again. The key to losing big games is to have a contingency plan, mine involves a week of: staying off social media eating anything I want (the more unhealthy the better) breaking the weekend only drinking rule and generally distracting myself as much as possible until I stop thinking about it I’ll be taking down a suitcase full of donuts just incase Also we lose to them and I know next season will be just as much fun, trying to stay in the championship on the other hand isn’t as appealing