I can't think of any reason why there would be a limit. We won't sell out so why have a limit. There probably will be but the justification won't hold water.
2 seems fair. not sure about 3. definitely no more than 3. it's not the number of tickets, as there will be plenty. it's more the seat selection.
Guarantee there will be ticketmaster issues with buying, has been with pretty much every other team in play offs.
3 max. Anything else would be unfair as you could end up with one STH buying fifty good positioned tickets in one booking for a coach party that will have many part timers in, whilst regulars have to sit somewhere they didn't want.
I just hope we sell a decent amount. Be happy and surprised if we manage to shift 25k. Last thing we need is 37k fowls and only half that number of ours….
Our official Twitter says early next week. I reckon because of who we are playing we could sell out. Far more people will be interested in going than were planning to if it was Peterborough.
We need to be careful how tickets are allocated. Given the opposition and the respective catchment areas for both clubs, what's to stop Wednesday fans buying tickets in our end of the ground when they go on general sale?
I’m going to have to wait for general sale and didn’t have a season ticket this year (got one for next). I’m fine with that but I will only go if I can get seats on the official coach and my worry is that they will have all sold out before tickets go on general sale.
And Wednesday’s supporters groups have had an extra day to phone round the coach hire companies and book all the coaches