According to the BBC headline we only edged it last night. I think i must have been at a different game.
Lazy journalism, he/she probably saw the score and made it up. Too lazy to actually go to Oakwell or even watch it on Sky.
To be honest up ere in Brid hardly anybody was showing it, went to 8 pubs an found 1, but had to ask, an they said i suppose so, i bought her a drink for her troubles.
A journo for the BBC will either have Sky Sports at home or can afford to pay £9.99 for a NOW TV 24 hour pass. So that is not any sort of excuse....
I've got sky, but dint wanna sit at home, i thought it'd be on all over the place just goes to show, clubs like Barnsley.
I went in a local pub last Saturday and they put it on for me. But then you wouldn't expect them to show Barnsley in South Derbyshire....