Having lived in London for 27 years, I understand security concern, better than most. I was just moments away from the Bloomsbury bus bomb & got evacuated out the V&A a couple of times, due to suspicious packages. Wembley has always managed itself fairly well, in my experience. Except for letting Millwall come at us that time. Even then, that black steward showed incredible courage. I only mention the lad’s skin tone for reference, by the way. I really hope there’s no aggro with the young uns, most of us come from mixed households, when it comes to football.? I just thank my Dad for never taking me to watch Sheffield Wednesday..
Maybe I'm being naive, but I genuinely don't think there will be any aggro. Despite the banter, there's never been any serious trouble between the two sets of fans that I remember. There wasn't any at either league matches, as far as I know. Always gonna get pockets of chavs bouncing about in the road, but that happens at every game. Rarely owt comes of it.
Are you saying you can take larger bags in provided they are inspected & paid for or will they refuse entry to anyone with a larger bag ? I understand need for security but people will have travelled with food/snacks/drinks for the day & it it not always possible to leave them on a coach (impossible if you come by train) How much were they charging for the bag check ?