20,000 TICKETS NOW SOLD FOR WEMBLEY Ticket News We've hit the 20,000 mark as of 5pm on day two of sales! Continue reading on the official site...
Absolutely fantastic support for a small town club surrounded by many other clubs in South Yorkshire, 2 of them big city clubs. Well proud!
Especially impressive given the lack of quality seats all day. Have ticket master been in the boozer until 6pm or what?
Think we should crowd fund some money to buy any empty seats in our allocation just so we can say we sold out
I wonder if the BBS isn't that reflective of the wider fan base who don't mind the seats available? 20,000 given all the issues cited is a tremendous effort. With pay day Friday to come. Opening up five tickets to general sale was a huge decision and provenly justified in the numbers today. Onwards to 30....
Do you think we make it to 30k? That would be incredible if so, I thought around 25k like the previous 2 trips.
Aim high. If we're at 20,000 less than 36 hours in, and categories still to open up, I think we can get close to 30,000 for sure.
Think quite a few will be waiting until Friday for pay day too. Is there a cut off point for sales? If there is let's hope its not before Sunday.
Well to say 23 k at Millwall after 2 days on sale that's amazing Get more to come shout for us. We have a Blade in our party shouting for Tarn The more the merrier
God don't let the Wendies find out! Your one mate will be the only reason we've sold 20k and they didn't get any extra allocation.
Should be a late cut off due to it being e-ticket. I think we'd sell out if we had a proper run at it like you get for an FA Cup Final. A one week turnaround is a bit mental.